Book review#10 Magic Tree House#7 Sunset of the Sabertooth
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Osborne, M.P. (1996). Magic Tree House#7 Sunset of the Sabertooth. New York: Random House.
Book review#9 Magic Tree House#6 Afternoon on the Amazon
When they got to the Amazon, they were at the top of the forest. They went on an adventure if there're any clues. But when they got to the ground they were chased by army ants. Army ants are one of the strongest animal in the jungle because it eats fresh by millions of ants at the same time. Then they got chased by jaguar, crocodile and piranhas. They were in panic but the monkeys saved them and became their freinds. At the end of the story, the monkey gaved them a mango and again they got something that do with "m".
Osborne, Mary Pope. Magic Tree House#6 After noon on the amazon. New York: Random House, 1995.
Book review#8 Magic Tree House#5 Night of the Ninja
This time they went to the tree house and saw a message. It said find 4 things. They didn’t know what it means but soon they realize that it was a message that Morgan was missing. They went to ancient japan to find Morgan. They saw two ninjas and when they were looking at them, they were caught. But the ninjas weren’t bad guys, they were nice. They said they are fighting against Samurai and that samurai have something do with the message.
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Osborne, Mary Pope. Magic Tree House#5 Night of the Ninja. New York: Random House, 1995.
Book Review#7 Magic Tree House#1 Dinosaurs Before Dawn
The main character is Jack and Annie. There’re brother and sister and one day they found a tree house that they haven’t seen it before. They climbed up the ladder by curiosity. In the house there was full of books. He took a book on his hand and it was written about prehistoric animals. He wished he could go to that era. Then the tree house began to spin and they were gone to prehistoric era, 65 million years ago. They met a flying dinosaur called Pteranodon and named him Henry. The sister had a talent to talk to the dinosaur. They became friends. Then they also met Triceratops and Anatosauruses. They watched them very carefully but they saw a T-Rex coming. They ran to the tree house and tried to go back to the normal era but it was useless. This is because he forgot his books. He sneaked to get back the books from getting unknowed from T-Rex but the way back to the tree house he got founded. Soon the sister talked to Pteranodon to help his brother. This flying dinosaur flew straight forward to Jack and rescued him. Now they could get back to their own era.
I recommend this book because it’s very easy to read and not too long. I could read it in 20 minutes or so.
Osborne, Mary Pope. Magic Tree House#1 Dinosaurs Before Dawn. New York: Random House, 1992.
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Movie review~Camp Rock~
In the camp there’s a special guest, a pop star “Shane”, a leader of a group “connection 3”. He was forced to make a duet song with the winner of the Final jam, a live that will be hold at the last of the camp and everyone will practice for it. During the camp, he was supposed to have dance lessons but he didn’t really want to do it. On the first day, he heard a beautiful song and the voice. He really loved the voice and wanted to make a song with the person who sang. He’ll look for the one who sang.
At the opening jam, she met many people who loves music just like her but soon realize that many peoples are rich and have popular person in their family. Mitchie got miserable that she could came to this camp by her mother’s job. So she told lies to the new friends like Caitlyn, Tess, Shane and everyone else. She told that her mother is a president of a TV company in China and have met many famous people. Tess, whose known that her mother is very famous and she acts like a queen. Tess invites Mitchie to become the back singer. She wanted to be popular so she hanged around with Tess. She tried hard to keep her secret to Tess and other friends but when Caitlyn and Tess had argument and Caitlyn had to help at the kitchen, Caitlyn realize that Mitchie is telling a lie about her mother. Now Caitlyn is upset and their friendship are gone.
Meanwhile Shane spread a word to everyone in the camp that he’s looking for the girl who was singing. He and Mitchie were having a good time talking and singing about music but Tess got jealous about these 2. When she knew the lyric and realize that the song who is singing was Mitchie and almost at the same time she knew about the lie Mitchie were telling. So she spread the truth in front of everybody and now everyone is upset. And also he somehow did a trick that the Mitchie and Caitlyn stole her bracelet. These 2 girls got punished that they couldn’t participate until the final jam is over.
The final jam began. Everyone did great on the stage and the final jam is over. So Mitchie and Caitlyn think hard somehow to perform. The punishment was not to sing until the final jam is over. So after the final singer sang their song, Mitchie sang. Shane realized that the voice is Mitchie and she also realize that she was been looking for. It totally matched.
The winner is Peggy whose the name of the singer. Her real name is Margaret. She was supposed to be the member of the group of Tess but they argued and performed individually. She won the right to had duet with Shane. Tess apologized to Mitchie and other friends to be mean and told Mitchie and Caitlyn weren’t the burglar.
At last, Mitchie, Caitlyn, Tess and her formal member went to Caitlyn’s “small” record studio and sang song. The end.
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Toying My Car
And yesterday, the part arrived. I took off the front bumper as it was said on the internet. This is what it looks likes when I took off the bumper.
Finally, I did it!! The picuter below is what it looks like before.
This is after what it looks like. Do you whats the diffrence? Well this is just a self-complacency.
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The feedback of using iPhone is "Too high technology". My older one were high technology enough but iPhone is too high technology so I can't achieve mastery of using it.
Let me give you an example. There're 2 ways to send a mail. First one is the one that looks likethe normal way. You have to go to the mail and send it. But the there's another one that you can mail like a chat. Both of them could mail to both cell phone and "Smart phone"so I just want to whats the diffrence.
And most part that I can't understand is that the button which iPhone has. The buttoon that if you push it, it goes back but it for me, it goes too back. I just want to go back to a page back but it goes all the way back to the mail menu!!
Trail Lesson
During the class, the time went by faster then I expected. I finished the class so I still had 10 minutes left. So, I taught what I did this morning.
This is what I did. This morning before I came to school, I went to a convienince store to print out the papers what I'll use in the class. The printer that cost 10 yens to print out one paper. I printed out 30 papers so I payed 500 yens to the machine and I was supposed to have 200 yens as a change but I forgot to take it!! I lost my 200 yens.
So I used this phrase in the class; A: Mr.Sakumoto is a man. B: He forgot to take his changes.
The students will answer "Mr.Sakumoto is a man who forgot to take his changes".
Everyone in the class were having fun and said it was easy to understand what I was teaching. Most people said my class has a power of healing and it was a fun class. I didn't knew I had the power of healing but I glad my class were fun and simple(in the positive way). Finally the class is over and my great weight off of my shoulders.
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Book Review#6 Magic school bus Inside a hurricane
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The Second Day at The Deaf School
I visited an English class. I couldn't imagine how will the teachers teach English to the deaf students. The answer is simple, they taught by sigh language! ha ha To tell the truth they were studying by using the Japanese sigh language, fingure language and English sigh language. They were using 3 kinds of sign language. I couldn't believe it. The teacher is terrific, the ALT is incredible and the students were fabulous.
I learned many things from this class beacuse the knowledge of "hearing" and "listening" skills are very important part studying of languges. If you can't hear, you can't pronounce the words correctly. But in this class some students could pronouce English well. I though she could pronounce better than the students who can hear in normal high school. She was a bit special, she could hear than the other students so she translated us to each other.
After lunch, I went to my charged students class. She's studying to become a hair dresser. I didn't wrote about this yesterday, but I visited her class and watched her getting perm to the dummy. She let me do it but it was so hard. I was too awkward.
So today she was studying to the exam which will be held this week. The assigment was "Can she shave well?" So everyone looked at me to be the guinea pig. I said "All right" and sat on the chair which looks like a massage chair and started to shave. You may knows if your men and had been shaved by a hair dresser before, they put a steamed towel on our face and it feels so great. I became so sleepy. Sleeping during the practical act is abominable act but the teacher said "If you can sleep you can. If you can suffer from shaving knife, you may.
I didn't sleep.
But she did great well, it didn't hurt at all. I wish she could pass the nation test for the hair dresser and could be the hair dresser.
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The first day in Deaf School
Before we went to Dead school, we learned about sigh language and the "fingure Japanese". I think most people know what sign languages are look like. On the other hand, "fingure Japanese " is also a kind of sigh language but they figures "a" "i" "u" "e" "o" in diffrent finger. Like the picture below. We figured out our names by using these sigh language. I memorised most of it but when I met the students at the school, I couldn't do it well.

During the classes, lunch time, lunch break and some other time, we mostly communicated by writting the words we want to talk about. It took time and had difficulty but I enjoyed it. They had hard to hear but without that handicap, they were like normal high school students.
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The Strongest Baseball Team
They defeated Dragons by 3-0 in the game 7. Kawasaki got their first point by the base-loaded walk in the third inning, Yamazaki's hit in the fourth inning and Uchikawa's hit in the seventh inning. I was watching the TV and still remember I was very excited.
Hawks won the every title through this season. They got the interleague title, the Pacific League pennant and P League Climax Series. They're storngest of the 12 baseball teams in Japan. So I hope they can prove they're the strogest baseball team in Asia Series.
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W8 My favorite sport is baseball
W7 My favorite movie
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W6 My favorite movie star
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Movie Review Kung-Fu Panda
On day an old tortoise, Oogway, who is Shifu’s master decided to choose the person to receive the “Dragon scroll”. The person who can know the secret of scroll which can have unlimited power. The recipient for the dragon scroll was supposed to be chosen from the furious five but Po was accidently chosen by Oogway. The furious five and their master were very surprised about it and especially Po himself was surprised too. Shifu gave Po few chances to give up but Po stayed at the gym to change himself. Meanwhile Oogway, felt Tai Lung, an evil snow leopard which used to be Shifu’s student will escape from the jail. Tai Lung is a master of Kung Fu but Oogway had a vision that he had an evil heart so Oogway didn’t give him the dragon scroll. So he got upset and destroyed the village. Shifu sent a messenger, Zen, a goose, to reinforce the security of the jail. Though the director said that the security is perfect, one feather dropped from Zen let Tai Lung escape.
When Shinfu and the furious five discovered what happened, they decided to give the dragon scroll to Po. Oogway said to believe Po and there is no “accidently” in the world. But there was nothing written in it. Everybody was disappointed and lost their hope to defeat Tai Lung. So the furious five went to beat him all by themselves. But Tai Lung was so strong that they were defeated. While the furious five was fighting, Po and Shinfu were having their training. The normal way to train Kung Fu didn’t work on Po so they train by getting foods.
After they finished their training, the furious five came back defeated. Now Tai Lung is nearby. The furious five and Po were moving the persons who live in the village. Shifu stayed at the gym to take his time but Shifu was also defeated. Tai Lung demanded the dragon scroll but soon realized that the scroll is missing and Po had it. There was supposed to have no winning chance but his result of the training, his luck, his idea and his fat body, he could win. Now there’s peace in the village and Po became the master.
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Nippon Baseball Classsic
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2011/11/11 11:11:11
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Pepsi Pink
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Selling games
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Book review #5 The magic school bus Explore the Senses
First of all, the main character I think, won't drive the school bus and the assistant priciple will drive it. They'll go after the car that the main charcter drives. And while they were chasing, the assistant principle pushed a button and then the bus began to shrink.
Then the bus swallowed into an officers eye. They went through the nerves and to the brain and came back from the other eyeball. After they adventured the offiicers head, they jumped to a boy's ear. Again, they adventured into the inner ear and the auditory nerve and again to the head. Then they jumped into a dog's nose. Discusting!! I can't believe it!! As they came, they went through the smell nerve and jumped into a water glass that Ms. Frizzle will drink.
Well, as you may think, they were eated by there own teacher. They adventured her tough and went through the nerve and to the brain again.
W5 My favorite shopping center
Kumamoto but I got so used to it so I won’t go there so often. So if I would go shopping, I’ll
go to Costco instead but only few times in a year. Besides, the things that I want only sold
in Costco. This way, it’s more fun shopping. We’ll buy many things especially Dr. Pepper,
beef jerky and pizza and so on. We buy so many things that we had to go there by a
big car. We went there with my friends an everybody will buy the wholesale products so
we had to rent a big car. It was a big car but we bought so many things that the people who sits
in the third row, they had to keep the pizza on his knee.
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Book review #4 Magic school bus; lost in the solar system
At this story they're going to the planetarium as a trip day. But when they get there, it was closed. On the way back, the bus tilted back and the they heard the engine roaring. They were going through the atmosphere. The earth was getting smaller and smaller. First they stopped at the moon and played around. Then they went to the sun. They said that the sun was hot. I think everybody knows that. Next they went to Mercury. This planet was dead. It was sun baked planet. Then they got pulled to the Venus. This planet was covered with yellowish cloudwhich is called sulfuric acid. Under the cloud it was like a desert and hot. As they came close to the Mars, In this planet, its so big that the canyon is long as United States and the volcano is three times tall as earth. Next they went to Jupiter and Saturn but jupiter is made of gas so there is no land. saturn is one of the most beautiful plant and it is famous for the ring. This ring is made from rock, ice and dust. And finally then went through Uranus and Pluto and came back to earth.
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Book review #3 Magic school bus inside the body
At the beginning of the story the class room teacher propose to study about “ourselves”. They tried to go to a museum for the trip. Though they took their lunch at the park. And they were time to go and everybody got in the bus Arnold, one of the student were daydreaming and was eating a snack. At once, the bus started to shrink and was going down a dark tunnel. They were going under esophagus. Soon they dropped to the stomach. Ms. Frizzle drove the bus to the bottom of the stomach and then they got absorbed to intestine. At the intestine, it was covered with villi. In the villi, they are tiny blood vessels. They went through this blood vessel to the heart, lung, brain, spinal bone and to the muscle. During the drive, they were attacked by Arnold’s white blood cell. When they were running they got to a huge open space. They were in Arnold’s nose. Suddenly they heard a deafening sound like “Ah-aa-aa-ah!!” Then they heard “Choooo!!” They blast from his nose as a sneeze.
They got back from Arnold’s body and met again. They said “Where were you!?” at the first moment.
First we went to Hakata station to go to Krispie Kream. It's a doughnut shop and its very sweet. Everybody will buy doughnut in a box so I bought it 2 box. One box has dozen in it.
Then we went to Costco. We had to go back to Kumamoto earlier so we had shopping very fast. One of my friend was the first time he been here so everything looked fresh. We bought pizza that looks like Zabuton and Dr.Pepper 4 boxs. The meat that was sold in costco tasted so good that we want to have a yakiniku party one day.
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School of Rock
The main character is Dewey Finn. He’s a rock singer and plays guitar but he lives with no special plans. He‘ll dive into the audience from the beginning of the song, he lives without paying the rent. He lives in his own apartment with Ned Schneebly who is a substitute teacher but Dewey won’t pay anything. But one day he got fired from his own band. So he wanted to have his own band and money. Then he intercepted a call to Ned saying they need a teacher as soon as possible. Dewey pretended he is Ned and became a fake Mr. Schneebly (Mr.S).
The school he’ll work at is a private school and everyone studies a lot. But Mr.S only taught rock as a school project. He divided the kids so the right person has the right job like a player, singer and for the background. They had many problems keeping this project secret. They set a camera to keep it secret from the principle, they soundproof their class room and did other things. When the principle came. Mr.S did the class very noncommittal. They went on a short school trip without letting anyone know. At the theater they tried to play this as a last memory. They pretend they’ve blood disease and don’t have so much more life. But on the other hand Dewey was getting confidence and trust from other teachers especially from the principal.
Finally the payday came. But the $20,000 went to Ned and thanks to his girlfriend, the school realized that he’s fake. Now everybody is upset. He became perverse but the kids came to pick him up to go to the “Battle of the bands”. The school is in a panic because the children are missing though soon the parents and the teacher realize that they went to play rock ‘n’ roll. When the play begins everyone was impressed how well they played. They couldn’t win the prize but the audience, especially the parents and the teachers, were very proud of it. While the credits were showing they sang as an after school activity and looked very happy.
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Very Cold
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Planning to go to COSTCO
I'll recommend if you go there you should but a beef jerky. The amount will be maybe four or five times bigger but the its also then thousand yen.
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W4 My favorite drink is Coca-Cola
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5-5 Natume Yu-jinntyou
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5-4 At Hitoyoshi
Next we went to "Aoi Aso Jinjya". We didn't have an exact propose but we there was a festival so we went to see what was happening. That day was a Health sport day so there were Sumo and Kendo tournament games. And also there was a Japanese archery and old people was "shooting".
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Essay:Toy story
Taiichi Sakumoto
The main characters are Woody and Buzz. Woody is like the leader of the toys from the
beginning. On the other hand Buzz came to Andy’s house as a birthday present. Andy is the master of the Woody, Buzz and other toys. Woody is a sheriff doll and Buzz is a space ranger. First when Buzz came to Andy’s house he persisted in thinking that he was a space ranger, not a toy. He says he can shoot by a laser but it’s only a light bulb and he also says that he can fly.
Woody and Buzz can’t be friends because of the difference of the way they think. So
Woody tries to eliminate Buzz from Andy’s house. He thought to use other toy to drop Buzz from the window and it worked. Woody really meant to but as a result he eliminated Buzz. Now the friends of the original toys are in revolt against Woody. Soon, Andy came to the room and took Woody to Pizza Planet. Meanwhile, Buzz shadowed Woody. They met in the car but of course they start to fight. While they were fighting, they got separated from Andy. Woody followed where Buzz wenta, but in the “UFO catcher”, a kid name Sid who destroys toys, they were “kidnapped”. At Sid’s home, Sid thought to explode Buzz with rocket firework. Buzz was depressed about he couldn’t escape by flying. Then Woody encouraged Buzz to go back to Andy’s and be Andy’s toy again. Finally these two toys cooperate to escape. They made friends at Sid’s home who also cooperate and punished Sid by acting in front of Sid. Woody said to Sid that “We toys can see everything. So play nice”. From now on Sid is afraid of toys. They said good bye to Sid’s toy and began to go after the moving truck. First they ran after the truck. although Sid’s stupid dog came after the truck. This dog bit Buzz and he fell from the truck. So Woody opened the truck and put out a toy “RC” and drove to help Buzz. But the other toys were still angry to Woody. They throw Woody off the truck. Now it looks like despair but they have a secret weapon; the rocket firework. They put the fire on and flew. They first dropped RC to the truck and then they flew straight up to the sky. Soon the rocket exploded. Buzz looks like he was flying but he says he is falling with style. They soon fell into the Andy’s car and went to their new home. Then it was Christmas and the present was a puppy.
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5-3 Driving to Hitoyoshi
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Rent-a-car 5-2
At 18:00 I went to the rent-a-car shop to get the car. I wonder what kind of the car I could drive. And when I get to the shop I saw LegacyB4!! I didn't wonder I could drive such a nice car so I was very happy. And also the equipment was amazing!! This car had cruise control which the car runs without stepping on the accelerator. If I set 100km per hour, the car will runs at that speed. And also it has "Padle switch" which you can shift up or down from the streeling while. I would be very exciting drive.
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Guide John about Kumamoto 5-1
I've been met him before last February. At that time, I thought it was the first time he has came to Kumamoto, but he wasn't. He has already came to Kumamoto few time and had been to Aso, Kumamoto castle and other places so I had nowhere to guide.
But this time we're going to Hitoyoshi. Actually, we already went to Hitoyoshi but I'll write it later.
Before he came to Kumamoto, he stayed in Nagasaki and watched "Nagasaki Kunchi". He has been to places where I've never went before; including Akihabara. He also went to "Maid Cafe" there. I not so interested in Akihabara but if someone will take me there I would go!
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Changing my car's muffler
The photo below is the picture before we work on. The color of the car is diffrent but it was kind like this.

After we changed it, now it looks like this. I think I like it!!

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W3 My favorite animal
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After the earthquake ends, the nation wide news said "Ohzu" and "Nishihara" had especially Kumamoto and Kikuchi and so on so I felt very strange.
But there's one thing that I'm still wondering. I heard many planes and chopper flying all night. When I look out side the window, I saw so many planes and chooper, it was very bright in the sky. I wonder who and why they were flying.
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BR ②Majic school bus and the Electric Field trip
At the beginng pf the story, Ms. Fizzle's niece visited class. Ms. Fizzle is the main character and the teacher and the driver of the school bus. And then, they started to explain about the electricity. First of all everything in the world are made from atom. And these tiny parts of the atom are called "electron". Then, when the electron travel to another electron, we call it electricity and you get power.
In this story, they will became a electricity. They will study how electricity will be made and how they will come to our outlet. First, they went to a fuel buring plant and shrinked into coal chute. After they burn the coal, they went to the steam pipe. They traveled very fast becaused of the high pressure. Then they flew through the turbine's blade and to the generator. Now they are 24,000 volts and travel through the electric wire and to the houses. By the time they got to the peoples houses, they got into 220 volts. They traveled to many many electric product and came back to school by been electricity.
I think this book was interesting too. It wrote about what you should do at the lighting storm. From the book, it says DON'T stay outside. DON'T use the telephone. DON'T use electric appliance. And finally, DON'T go near the water.
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A persimmon
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Changing my cars room lamp
W2 My favorite Manga
The reason why I like One Piece is the amount of the things that the readers don't know. There're so many things that the reader wants to know so I kept reading. And also I can't imagine what will happen next.
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BR ①The magic school bus:inside a beehive
This school bus is very intereting. It can transform to a space ship, plane and submarine. And can also shrink so tiny so this bus can go inside the human body or can even go to space or undersea. In this book this school bus transformed to a bee and went to a beehive. They transform and go everywhere like a school excursion.
The story begins in a perfect spring day. They were studying about insects and decide to observe about honey bee. They shrink to a bee and worn a costume like a bee. They pretend to be a bee and hike to this bee hive. This book also tells about many various thing that concern with bees. For example, bees communicate by dance and smells.
Its very intersting and you can know many thing and I like this series.
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W1 My favorite singer
So I can only listen to them in car.
The most favorite song is “I want it that way”. I heard this song many many years ago and I liked it. Though I didn’t know the artist called backstreet boys were singing. I knew this group but I thought I was a kind of noisy music group because of the word “backstreet”. But anyway I after I know their songs, I bought the CDs and put it into my Walkman.
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New car
I don't know what car they will buy. So I'll write it after I get some any imformation.
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Something I did during the vacation
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Good and bad points about this vacation
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How I study during the vacation
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What class I will take
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Vacation plans
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Too spicy curry
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BR 2-12: The story of flying
In this book, it is also wrote about helicopters. The first helicopter only waas in the air for 20 second and didnIt even rised as high as a man. In 1940 the first helicopter called "R4" and used by U.S. navy in world war 2. Now, helicopters are used in armies, police and used to trasport sick person to the hospital. The biggest helicopter is called "Skycrane". It's half helicopter and the other half is a crane. It's strong enough to lift trains or truck and strong enough to lift a house.
Today, people had been gone to space and walk at the moon. And there're people living in the space. The technology has been improved in a century. It is still expensive to go to space. But some day, we may go to space as a luxury trip.
I recommend this book because it tells about plane's history in easy english. If you like planes, you may like it. It is a little long book but it's not so hard to read. As reading this story the most suprising part is the part of the skycrane. I don't think the skycrane is in somewhere in Kumamoto or in Japan but if I have a chance, I want to see it. But possible, I want to see it carrying house.
Sims, L. (2004). The story of flying. London: Usborne Young Reading.
essay 2-03b My university life
As I wrote in the first paragraph, I belong to the department studying English. In this department we usually study English and try to develop our own English skills. There’re many facilities to study English. For example, there’s an “English Lounge” where you can’t speak Japanese at all in that room. You can improve your speaking skills and listening skills. However I haven’t been there before. And if you take an exam like TOEIC, you can take the exam much cheaper than taking the exam outside of the university. I’m very satisfied with that but I don’t like the way they draw the prize money to high grader student.
In class we study the 4 skills of English like reading, writing, speaking and listening. In the first grade we studied the grammar. It was like review of the high school English. Sometimes we also study about American and England literature. I like the way how American story ends, the main character will always have been killed or suicide at the last. But I’m not so interested in literature. I can’t remember who wrote what and the masterpiece of that writer.
I also study how to become an English teacher. In this curriculum, we study many things. For example, we study the constitution of Japanese education. We read the constitution and understand what it shows. It tells very simple so you have to read very hard. We also study about the guideline of education. We have to remember what it is and what is written about. Finally we also learn how to study English. This is the most important thing. It’s very difficult to teach English to junior high school student easier. There’s many ways just to teach one word. You can say the same thing to other skills. I did some micro teaching in this curriculum. I got very nervous and I thought I was going to die.
Now I want to write about clubs and circles. I Don’t belong to any clubs or circles. Because I heard that every week we have to drink and use a lot of money to many things. I didn’t think I have enough money and first of all I can’t drink much as everyone else can. So I can use that time and money to other things like the assignments. I have a lot of homework to do so if I belong to a club or circles. I think I won’t have enough time to do it.
Finally I don’t have part-time job now. I used to have one but the company was very company. They don’t treat the customer as a “god”. I’m the one who is going to be complained from the customer. So I quit. I want it but I’m too busy in last few weeks so I don’t need it. Although I want some money.
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I can' be happy
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BR 2-11:Animal Legend
First I want to write about why cats chases rats. It's very famous that cats chases rats. As you can see in the anime "Tom and Jerry". Everybody knows that it's just a food chain. But in this book it tells such a ridculous thing. It tells that long long time ago, cats and rats used to be a best friends. Did you know that!? According to this book, it says cat and rat lived happily together on an island. The island had all they needed. There were birds for the cats to chase. And plenty of juicy plants for rat to nibble with her sharp front teeth. There was only one problem. There wasn't much else to do. Most days they were bored. Then one moring, the rat had an idea to look for somewhere else to live. The cat agreed to the idea. They had an idea to make a boat from the trunk of a tree. The rat gnawed at a tree until the tree can timber. Then the cat scratched inside of the trunk so they could sit. They rowed and rowed for a long time. The cat felt tired so the he fell asleep. The rat felt hungry and realised that she forgot to bring some foods. While the cat was sleeping, the rat ate the side of the boat. Soon the water started to slosh up through the hole and started to sink. After the boat sant they had to swim back to the island. As you can see cats doesn't like to get wet. So the cat get very angry and splutted to eat the rat. After the rat get to the shore, she digged a hole and ran into it. The cat will sit in front of the hole until the rat appears.
The expression that impressed me was "That is why, today, a cat will sit for hour upon hour , waiting to prounce on a rat".(P.15 L5~L8) It's the scene you can see in the anime "Tom and Jerry". I could imagine this scene every easily . Even though I haven't seen it in my life. So if I have a chance I want see it.
Finally I want to write why monkeys live in trees. Many years ago king of the jungle was gorilla. This gorilla had a daughter and all of the animal wanted to marry her. But she couldn't choose who to marry. Then gorilla found a barrel with a water tastes fire. He had an idea to test the other animal if they could drink the whole barrel. If the animal could drink the whole barrel of fire water, the gorrila would let him marry her. First, the elephant came challenged. He sucked up the fire water and sneezed and sprayed water everywhere. Secondly, the hippo came and took a big mouthful of fire water and chocked. Next the warthog and leopard challenged but either of them failed. Finally a tiny monkey appeared and challenged. All the animal wondered how can this tiny monkey could drink all the barrel of fire water. First the monkey gulped a large mouthful of fire water and an into the bushes. After a few moment the monkey came back and gulp of fire water and again ran into the bushes. They had a secret behind the bushes. Benhind the bushes, a whole tribe were finding and each monkey will drink the fire water in turns. By the end of the day, the monkey drank the all of the fire water. Finally the monkey was allowed to marry but suddenly the giraffe shouted. "The monkey cheated!!" "His friend helped him!!" The monkeys ran off to the trees. Monkeys have been living upon the trees ever since.
The expression that I was impressed is "The barrel was full of greasy water. Naresh(The name of the gorrila) took a sip. It tasted of fire. Fire water? he said, That might be useful".(P19 L5~L8) I wonder what is in the barrel and how does it tastes.
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New year's resolutions
This year I want to take all the credit that I studied and find a new part time job. I’ll be the third grade in the university and it will be one of the important era in the university life. I heard some of the student will start finding there job.
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