


I wonder why Japanese eat a cake in Christmas. I heard people around the world doesn't eat cake and they wonder why too.



essay 2-03a My university life

In this essay I want to write about my university life. I’m a student of Kumamoto Gakuen University. I’m a second grade student and study English at this university. Every day I have to go to school by car or train. And it takes an hour so if I miss the train I’ll be late even the class starts an hour later.

As I wrote in the first paragraph, I belong to the department studying English. In this department we usually study English and try to develop our own English skills. There’re many facilities to study English. For example, there’s an “English Lounge” where you can’t speak Japanese at all in that room. You can improve your speaking skills and listening skills. However I haven’t been there before. And if you take an exam like TOEIC, it is cheaper than taking the exam outside of the university. I’m very satisfied with that but I don’t like the way they draw the prize money to high grader student.

In class we study the 4 skills of English like reading, writing, speaking and listening. In the first grade we studied the grammar. It was like review of the high school English. Sometimes we also study about American and England literature. I like the way how American story ends, the main character will always have been killed or suicide at the last. But I’m not so interested in literature. I can’t remember who wrote what and the masterpiece of that writer.

I also study how to become an English teacher. In this curriculum, we study many things. For example, we study the constitution of Japanese education. We read the constitution and understand what it shows. It tells very simple so you have to read very hard. We also study about the guideline of education. We have to remember what it is and what is written about. Finally we also learn how to study English. This is the most important thing. It’s very difficult to teach English to junior high school student easier. There’s many ways just to teach one word. You can say the same thing to other skills. I did some micro teaching in this curriculum. I got very nervous and I thought I was going to die.

Now I want to write about clubs and circles. I Don’t belong to any clubs or circles. Because I heard that every week we have to drink and use a lot of money to many things. I didn’t think I have enough money and first of all I can’t drink much as everyone else can. So I can use that time and money to other things like the assignments. I have a lot of homework to do so if I belong to a club or circles. I think I won’t have enough time to do it.

Finally I don’t have part-time job now. I used to have one but the company was very company. They don’t treat the customer as a “god”. I’m the one who is going to be complained from the customer. So I quit. I want it but I’m too busy in last few weeks so I don’t need it. Although I want many money.
534 words


TV has been repaired

Today, I let SONY repair my TV. He changed the whole liquid crystal panal. He took apart almost everything about the TV. It was the first time that I saw the inside of the TV. It looked very complex. There was many IC chips that are green. I was very impressed like the first time you see the inside of the vending machine.

And the "service man" was also very interesting person. He talks like "裸の大将".

77 words


University life 25 years later

25 years from now on, the university life wont change anything. The students are still bum to study. They had a hard entrance examination so they entered the university they wont study.

(32 words)

University life now

My university life is very busy. I have to do many assignments every week. So recent days, I have to stay up late finishing weekly assignment and other reports. But on the other hand, I want to play around with my friends, want play games and want to sleep much as I can.

(53 words)


My TV broke

Finally, my TV broke. The color is very starnge. The people who are in the Tv looks red or green so I'll call SONY to repair it.

27 words

BR 2-10:Dinosaur

This book tells about what is dinosaur. dinosaur is one of reptiles like crocodiles and lizards. They had scaly skins, thick and strong powerful tail crawls. Slim and light dinosaur walked with 2 legs and heavy one walks with 4 legs.

They ate many diffrent things like other dinosaur, plants, fish, insect and other small animal like mamals. Their reptiles so they were bored from an egg. That was interesting. And they died becaused of the meteor.

Finally did you know that the color of the dinosaur are random??

88 words


A new TV

I bought Sony's Bravia and the size is 32V. I feel the size is much bigger that I expected. I bought a new TV because the eco-point will be reduced into be half and anyway I had to buy a new TV for the digital terrestrail broadcasting.

I'm very satisfied because this TV has LED backlight and high-definition television. And when I connect PS3 with HDMI cable and see a movie, it's very beautiful. My older TV was a cathode-ray TV, the quality of sound is very clear. And it's very thin!! (91 words)


BR 2-09: Horses and Ponies

This book is written about horses and Ponies. The diffrence between horses and ponies is the size, said the book. The "big" horses are horse and "small" horses are poines. When I heard this I was very disappointed. I totally though there was a clear diffrence between two of them. The diffrence was just the size.

The book also written about the ecolgy about the horses and ponies. These animal don't like to live their own. So they make a herd. If one of the horse starts to run, all the herd will run away. That's way they can be safer then living on their own. When they run, there's an each name for their running. When they run very fast it's called galloping. When they run slowly, it's called cantering. When they jog, it's called trotting. When they walk, it's called walking. Finally they can comunicate with each other.

Horses and Ponies are very friendly animal. When you get trusted from horses, they can let you touch. Wild horses won't of course let you touch. (174 words)
Milbourne, A.(2004). Horses and Ponies. London Usborne


BR 2-08: Under the sea

This book tells animals which lives under the sea. This book explains the detail very short and but it's easy to read. It's easy because the book uses only easy english so you can understand the difficult words. And also the book is made very rough. There're many kinds of sea animals but this book only tells eleven things. If you here this, you may think it's ridiculous but this book tells the almost all the matter you may think about sea animals. This book tells about Dolphins, Sharks, Jelly fish, Penguins. The most interesting part that I felt was the page that tell about Dragons and Horses.

Don't you feel what's dragons and horses that lives in the sea? If you think so read the book!
(126 words)
Patchett,(2002). Under the sea.London: Usborne


2-02b My language experience

I have learned 3 languages in my life. Those are Japanese, English and Spanish. Japanese is my native language and the english is my second language. I start to learn Spanish since I entered this university.

The native language, which is Japanese was difficult for me to study. Speaking and Listening wasn't so difficult but writing and reading, especially Kanji was very difficult for me to master. It took time for me to learn Kanji because there's a lots of meaning and diffrent reading depends on different situation. For example the Japanese "Osameru" has a same pronunciation but there're 4 meaning. Those meanning are govern, learn,pay and store. When you are talking in Japanese and hear the word "Osameru", you can't know what it means. You have to consider from the context. But in English you don't have to do such a thing like that.

In learning classic Japanese and classic Chinese, these looked like an diffrent language for me. In classic Japanese you have to learn another words for this subject. This annoys me a lot so I don't like classic Japanese. On the other hand classic Chinese wasn't so difficult for me. If I read the sentence in the right order I could understand what the text book want to say. I could read fluently than classic Japanese.

Now I want to write about my experience about English. I start to study english when I was second year of elementary school. The first year was horrible. I couldn't understand what the teacher wants to say. I couldn't even introduce myself to other people. The second year, I could talk to my friends but it was still a prattle english. Though it was enough to communicate with friends. The third year and the fourth year, I have improved enough that I could talk to adults. But when I entered to the middle school, I quit learning english. I didn't have much trouble learning english in middle school. Many student around me had some trouble studying english. I wanted to help them but I couldn't teach it. I was very disappointed. I could solve the questions but I couldn't explain why the answer is going to be so. Especially I couldn't explain the diffrence between was, were, is and are.

I studied Spanish the first time in my life in this university. It was very intersting for me because the words in Spanish were very familiar to English. I could guess the meanning from the spelling even though I don't know the right meaning. Usually it was correct. I could understand the English and Spanish are relatives. There was also a suprising thing that there's a sex in nouns. It was very surprising that in Spanish "manzana" means apple is female and "escriorio" which means desk is male. I couldn't understand why apple is a female and desk is female.

(481 words)


BR 2-07: Babe Pig in a City

This is a story about a pig name Babe. He's a pig but not just only a pig, he's a "sheeppig". He is strong enough to win at a shepherding contest because he could "talk" to sheeps. He's kind so sheep will listen what to do and where to go. As you can see, he's very clever pig.

This story will start after they won the shepherding contest. His master, Hoggett was repairing the well but he caught into an acciddent because of Babe. So his wife has to all the duties in the farm. But they were facing foreclosure. So Ms.Hoggett decide to appearance at a fair that helds far far away to earn some money. Unfortunatly on the way to the city, Babe was detain at the airport. Just because the bomb-sniffing dog wanted a reward. so they had to stay at a unfamiliar town. There was only one hotel that can stay with a pet so they were forced to stay there but soon they were got separated. In the hotel there's a weird clown with a chimpanzees and orangutan.

Who are they and can they meet again? (189 words)

Korman, J. (1998) Babe Pig in a City. Essex: Penguin reader


BR 2-06: My family and other animals

This book is about main character, Gerald who is the youngest boy and lives on the Greek island of Corfu. They moved from England. The story is about his happy childhood for five years. All the member of his family are strange. Gerald will collects many kinds of animal like bugs, fish,dogs and snakes. He'll bring them back to his house. His mother is enthuses too much to cook. His brothers are plays around with guns. His sister applies perfumes a lot so she has to cure the pimples. As you can see they do what ever they want to do make a big fuss.

I recommend this book because this story is funny and interesting. The sentence are all full of humore.
(122 words)
Durell, G. (1956). My Family and Other Animals. Essex: Penguin Reader


BR 2-05: Jurassic Park III

The main character, Eric was parasailing over Jurassic park. But the boat was attacked by dinosaur from the sea and the bost sank. He was forced to land to the Jurassic park. After he landed, he had to survive by himself. His parent soon realised that they couldn't hear from Eric so they determined to look for him. by the time they reached to the park, they were many dinosaur like Spinosaurus which can beat T-rex. Can they find Eric and escape from the park?

I recommend this book. There isn't difficult words so it's easy to read. But I couldn't be excited as I was watching the movie.
(108 words)
Crichton,M.(2001). Jurassic Park 3. Essex:Penguin Reader


BR 2-04: Jurassic Park ~The Lost World~

This story is the second part of Jurassic park. Six years ago the dinosaurs were destroyed and the Jurassic park was closed. But now the scientist are looking for dead animals again. There were many dead dinosaurs every where. So they decided to go to Site B. But Site B is called the 5 deaths. Why site B is called the 5 deaths?

I do recommend this book to whose like Jurassic psark series. But this story is diffrent from the movie. In the movie, the T-rex which ran away from the troopship raged in San Diego. But there isn't any big show in this story. In this case, I didn't satisfied. But you may enjoy another kind of story.

Crichton,M.(1997). Jurassic Park The lost world.Essex: Penguin Reader


BR 2-03: The Battle of Newton Road

This story is about a battle between the civilans and civil engineer. Civil engineer wants to knock down the houses and bulit a new road. The main character who is a civilian of Newton Road, Sally Robinson is of course against this project. She lives in a small house but she is happy. She likes her house and likes Newton road. she likes her neighbours and the neighbours likes her. The road is a happy road. But one day thay found a poster that theres an important meeting at the city hall. They couldn't understand how come there's an important meeting in this happy town. Soon they notice about the project and start a protest movement. Can they provent the project?

I reccomend this book. It's a bit difficult and long story but I'm sure you can read it.
(138 words)
Leslie,D,(2000).The battle of Newton Road.Essex:Penguin Reader

BR 2-02: Amazon Rally

I read a book called " Amazon Rally". The main character David and Brain are motercycle driver who are from England. They usually race in England and some other European countries but this time they are going to Brazil for a race. Racers from many counties are going there too. They are going to across the Amazon river.

But I won't recommend this book. Because the story is quite different than I expected. The most of the story is about some kind of friend ship between the main character and the Indians. I thought the story will be about the race and exciting story. But It wasn't so I was quite disappointed.
(96 words)+15


Amos, E. (2000). Amazon Rally. Essex:Penguin Reader.

Essay 2-02a My language exprience

I have learned 3 languages in my life. Those are Japanese, English and Spanish. Japanese is my native language and the english is my second language. I start to learn Spanish since I entered this university.

The native language, which is Japanese was difficult for me to study. Speaking and Listening wasn't so difficult but writing and reading, especially Kanji was very difficult for me to master. It took time for me to learn Kanji because there's a lots of meaning and diffrent reading depends on different situation. For example the Japanese "Osameru" has a same pronunciation but there're 4 meaning. Those meanning are govern, learn,pay and store. When you are talking in Japanese and hear the word "Osameru", you can't know what it means. You have to consider from the context. But in English you don't have to do such a thing like that.

In learning classic Japanese and classic Chinese, these looked like an diffrent language for me. In classic Japanese you have to learn another words for this subject. That annoyed me very much so I don't like classic Japanese. On the other hand classic Chinese wasn't so difficult for me. If I read the sentence the right order I could understand what the text book want to say.

Now I want to write about my experience about English. I start to study english when I was second year of elementary school. The first year was horrible. I couldn't understand what the teacher wants to talk. I couldn't even introduce myself. The second year, I could talk to my friends but it was still a prattle english. Though it was enough to communicate with friends. The third year and the fourth year, I have improved enough that I could talk to adults. But when I entered to the middle school, I quit learning english. I didn't have much trouble learning english in middle school. Many student around me had some trouble studying english but I couldn't teach. I was very disappointed. I can solve the questions but I couldn't explain why the answer is going to be like. Especially I couldn't explain the diffrence between was, were, is and are.

I studied Spanish the first time in my life in this university. It was very intersting for me because the words in Spanish were very familiar to English. I could guess the meanning from the spelling even though I don't know the right meaning. Usually it was correct. I could understand the English and Spanish are relatives. There was also a suprising thing that there's a sex in nouns. It was very surprising that in Spanish "manzana" means apple is female and "escriorio" which means desk is a male. I couldn't understand why apple is a female and desk is a female.

(462 words)


Mind map

My language learning experience

I have learned 3 languages in my life. That is Japanese, English and Spanish. I learned Spanish in university and I liked it. But the teacher who told us Spanish was a bad teacher so I don’t want to study Spanish from him. If the teacher changes I want to study Spanish. In junior high school and high school, I didn’t like the class of Japanese. Especially I didn’t like the class learning about old Japanese. I couldn’t read and understand what it was talking about. Remembering Kanji was difficult for me.



BR 2-01:My best friend's a genius

I read a book about a genius and his friend. The main character Miles is a genius. He can make a fying skateboard, computer-controlled mouse traps and automatic toilet flushers. The automatic toilet flusher has already invented in Japan so I didn't really suprised but I thought the flying skateboard is very awesome. If their is one, it looks like detective Conan.

One day Miles wanted to make a hyper phone. He wanted to communicate with aliens who came to earth. He made that hyperphone within three days. His parent wouldn't buy for him so he made it all by himself. Suddenly a high-pitched squeaky sound came out from the phone. The light turned on and off again. Then the strange squeaky sound turned into words.

I recommend this book because it is one of the most funny book that I have read. If you read this book, I think you will be like it because of the surprising ending. I think you will sure be surprised at the owner of the voice. At least I was surprised at the ending and if their is another story of this series I want to read it.

144 words+49


Essay 2-01b Room in my room

My favorite place is my room. My room is in my grandparents house and live right next to each other so the both house are connected by the hallway. The house is located pn the top of the hill so the scence is not bad. From the window I can see the elementary school which built in front of me. I also can see the route 57 so sometimes, the motercycle gangs are very noisy. And if I see the back of my house, there's a cliff. It not as so deep and not dangerous. There's also a stream and a cowshed. It doesn't smell at all but I sometime hear them mooing very energetic. I can see some calves when I go there in spring. They are very cute.

The exterior of the room is very simple. As I said my room is in my grandparents home so it's an old house. There's only 2 rooms in the second floor. The brothers room and mine. There's also a balcony and the two rooms are connected by it. I's very useful because you can go to the balcony from your own room so I don't have to disturb my brother.The same thing I can say from my grandmother. I think that all that I can explain.There's is no more thing that I can say.

Next, the interior of my room is also simple too. There's a bed, TV, desk, closet, flooring ect. This room used to be my dad's room. When my dad was using this room the room was'nt floored, it was tatami and of course no air-conditioner. So when my grandfather remodel the room for me, my dad was a bit abset. There's also a strange fusuma; a framed and papered sliding door used as a room paritition. I have'nt open it yet. I will write about this later.

Basically I use my room only to sleep. Otherwise when I play PS3. Since I get relax too much, I can't study at my room. I'll soon get sleepy and by the time I realised what I'm doing, I'm sleeping.

Now I want to tell you about the another room in my room. First of all, I haven't opened the room so I don't know what's in it. It's too wierd. I think it is an attic but I'm not sure. The clothes and Futons are in the closet in the other room so I don't think it's a closet. In the end of the year, I saw my grandmother looking for something in that room. Of course I don't know what it was. After the new years holiday, I saw my grandmother cleaning up something to that room again.

451 words


Essay 2-01 Favorite place

My favorite place is my room. My room is in my grandparents house and live right next to each other so the both house are connected by the hallway. The house is located pn the top of the hill so the scence is not bad. From the window I can see the elementary school which bulit in front of me. I also can see the route 57 so sometimes, the motercycle gangs are very noisy. And if I see the back of my house, there's a cliff. It not so deap and not dangerous. There's also a stream and a cowshed. It doesn't smell at all but I sometime hear them mooing very energetic.

The exterior of the room is very simple. As I said my room is in my grandparents home so it's an old house. There's only 2 rooms in the second floor. The brothers room and mine. I think that all that I can explain.There's is no more thing that I can say.

Next, the interior of my room is also simple too. There's a bed, TV, desk, closet, flooring ect. This room used to be my dad's room. When my dad was using this room the room was'nt floored, it was tatami and of course no air-conditioner. So when my grandfather remodel the room for me my dad was a bit abset. There's also a strange fusuma; a framed and papered sliding door used as a room paritition. I have'nt open it yet. I will write about this later.

Basically I use my room only to sleep. Otherwise when I play PS3. Since I get relax too much, I can't study at my room. I'll soon get sleepy and by the time I realised what I'm doing, I'm sleeping.

Now I want to tell you about the another room in my room. First of all, I haven't opened the room so I don't know what's in it. It's too wierd. I think it is an attic but I'm not sure. The clothes and Futons are in the closet in the other room so I don't think it's a closet. In the end of the year, I saw my grandmother looking for something in that room. Of course I don't know what it was. After the new years holiday, I saw my grandmother cleaning up something to that room again.
(390 words)


Uncle came back and he looks sad

My uncle came back from fishing. His result were 3 sweetfish. It was a bit less than I thought. Because of the heavy rain, the most of the fish ran away from the fishery. So there weren't any fish around. And also the heavy rain raised the river level. He said that the beautiful stream turned to muddy stream. So he came back earlyer than he planned. He looks very sad and he wonder why he went fishing after such a bad weather.(83 words)


Rainy season is now over!!

Finally, the rainy season is over!! It was a sunny day and hot. Since the weather was good, I washed my car. It took about an hour but suddenly, it started to rain with thunder. At first I heard roar far away so I didn't worry but the roar became nearer and nearer. And then it became to rain. But I parked my car into the garage by hairbreadth.(70words)


Today's shower was terrible. Sudddenly it started to rain with thunder. Fortunately, I brought a folding umbrella so I was OK but the train stopped for a second. Maybe the train was waiting for the traffic light but most of the time, the train was driving slow. It deladed for a minute but I was on my way back to home so I didn't worry.

Tonight, my uncle and aunt came to Kuamoto from Kyoto. I went to airport to pick them up. In the car, my uncle gave me a "Memory Network Navigation System". In the word "Car navi". I wanted one and looking for it so I'm very happy. My uncle likes fishing so he will go to Kuma river. He will fish sweetfish(Ayu). He is also good at fishing so he will fish about 20. But today is late so he will go fishing tomorrow. On the other hand, my aunt will relax at her parent's home. And that is my grangparent's house. I hope they will enjoy the vacation.(172 words)


Heavy rain

Today's rain was very heavy. I got my shoes wet when I was coming from the station. By the time I came to unuversity, my motivation disappeared. I felt very bad taking a class with my shoes wet.

Tomorrow, I have 2 tests. One is "The Introduction of English Study". This exam will be the last half of this subject. This night, I have to stay up all night to study. The next one is "Reading". I supposed to do "Power words" tonight but I think I won't have enough time to study for it.(95words)


Mind map

Essay 1-01b

Dear my host family, Now, I want to introduce myself. First of all, my name is Taiichi Sakumoto. I live in Kumamoto Japan and 19 years old. I study English at Kumamoto Gakuen University. I study there to become an English teacher in the future. I want work at the middle school or at the high school. But I haven't chosen it yet, though I'm studying hard.

Secondly, I want to introduce my hobbies. I have 2 hobbies and there are playing video games and read comic books. These 2 hobbies are very simple and common but they are very interesting for me. My favorite video games are “Monster Hunter” series. In this game you have to hunt big monsters. You can “hunt” with 4 people including me. This game is very popular with teenagers. And the sequel will be sold in this December so I'm very looking forward for it. And my favorite comic book is “One Piece”. This story features Monkey D. Luffy, whose want to become a pirate king. And he eat a strange fruit and became Rubber human: anybody who eats it can never learn to swim. The story looks dangerous but this story is filled with impression, adventure and laughter. And this story is also very famous to teenagers.

Finally when I came to your country, I want to study English hard and learn your country's culture. I want to have an international field of vision and show my ability at the global community, as an international teacher.

Sincerely,Taiichi (254words)


First Semister's exam begins

The examination for this semister began from last week. I have to study hard so I'm kept awake until early morning. It's get me very exhausted. Last Friday, I had " international society and Japan" and "Listening". Both classes aren't difficult for me it's interesting but the field is very wide for the "Internatinal society and Japan" but I think I did the both exam pretty well.

But today, I had "introduction of english linguistics". This subject is one of the most difficult subject that I take in this semister. This subject's field is also very wide. Even though it's hard to recognize and difficult to study the first half of the text book I still have the secong half of the text book's exam on Thursday. The Professor (probably) will study at Korea so we have to study the whole subject in the first semister. Usually we have to offer an year to study this subject!!(157words)

The World cup ends

Champions of Europe are now a champions of the world. Spain won this championship for the first time. They beated Neatherland at the half end if the extended time. Iniesta's stike helped Spain to be a champion. I wanted Netherland to win, but the Octopus says that the Spain will win. So I changed my mine and wondering which team will win. As he says Spain won!! The Octopus is awsome!! Now he has eight perfect predictions. But in my opinion this Octopus doesn't have any "psychic" knowledge. The octupus's favorite food is Crabs or bivalves which color is red. So I think the octopus didn't predict. He just choosed the national frag that has more red than the other national flag. If you look at the picture, the Spain's natinal flag looks more red than the Germany's natinal flag.(141words)


World cup and Octopus

I haven't seen the world cup for last few days. On the match versus Netherland and Urguay, Netherland won by 3-2. Netherkand is very strong. And Japan play with that strong team. In this world cup, Netherland scores at least 2 points exepts the game versus Japan. Even though ace Robben didn't take part in the game, I think Japan's DF did a great job.

The game versus Spain and Germany, Spain won by 1-0. Germany was very strong at the last game versus Arrgentina so I thought Germany will win. But the octopus name Paulo prophesy that the Spain will win. At first I didn't really believe that but when I knew his record I believed him. He prochesy 6 games and all of them hits. And as you can see, he says that Spain will win and Spain won. On the final game versus Netherland and Spain, the octopus says that Spain will win. I want Netherland to win but octopus says Spain so I'm looking forward to see the game.(173words)


Brainstorm; My favorite place

My room
second floor
Play station 3
note PC
book shelf
a small table

Latest World cup

Since Japan's national team lost and returned from South Africa, I haven't seen the world cup. Today I heard that the match versus Uruguay and Netherland will start at this midnight. And tomorrow, a match versus Spain and Germany will be held.

Wait a minute!! Where did Paraguay go!?

I didn't know that Paraguay lost!! Paraguay beated Japan so my ideal final match should be Netherland versus Paraguay, which these both teams beated Japan. So my secret pleasure had just now broken.(81words)

A drive to Misumi

Today, I drove all the way to Misumi. I went there after school with Kousuke. It took about 2hours. The road ran along the seaboard and the sea was very close. I haven't seen sea for a long time so I was a bit excited. I felt good driving along the sea. After I drop Kousuke at Misumi, I have to go home. That was an also adventure for me. I had to go home all the way to Ohzu. On the way back to home, I got lost a bit. It was a pretty panicing. The plaace I got lost was a place that I haven't been to and worstly, it was dark. But soon I found the correct street so at last, it was OK.(128words)


Japan's World cup ends

Paraguay beated Japan 5-3 on penalties. Komano missed the P.K. and we losted. But we can't accuse Komano.Japan couldn't go to the next stage. The winner Paraguay will next have a match with Spain. Well I knew Japan will lose but it's pity. Anyway, even if Japan win, Japan's next opposition will be Spain. We don't have enough abilty to beat it so I think that Japan came back to Japan just a little bit early.(77words)


Netherland vs. Slovakia

Netherland won by 2-1. Robben who was injured came back to the team and scored. He sank Slovakia. It was the first match for him in this world cup but he did his job early in the game. The another match is a game versus Brazil and Chile. Brazil was very strong. Brazil completed a hat-trick of victories over Chile by beating their South American rivals by 3-0. Juan and Luis Fabiano took control of the sides with two goals in quick succession in the last ten minutes of the first half through. Anyway these two counties will play in the next game. I think it will be a tough game.(112words)

Korea versus Uruguay

Uruguay beats Korea by 2-1. I wanted Korea to win but they lost. Uruguay reached to quarter-finals "best 8 "for the first time since 1970. South Koreans pushed hard but it wasn't enough to beat it. Korea lost so Japan is the only asian country that is left. The match versus U.S.A and Ghana, Ghuna won by 2-1. The game drawed and the game went into extended game. At the last 8 minute, Ghana scored and won. (78words)

Round 16

The coutries that have came to the next stage are Uruguay, Korea, U.S.A, Ghana, Netherland, Slovakia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Germany, England, Paraguay, Japan, Spain and Portugal. These country are very strong. Especially I think Netherland, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Spain and Portugual are the strongest team in the world. I don't think Japan can beat all these countries but I want them to do their best. The next match for Japan will be on 29th of June. The opposition will be Paraguay. (83words)

About blogging

At first, blogging was very inconveninet for me. Because the computer at my home is very slow. I told this at the week 10,Using computers. It's too slow that you can get crazy. Anyway I didn't have enough material to write it down.So I only write it down once in a while. But recently,when I write "Book reading" or "Free writing" and see how much the word is, I'll get happy. Especially, if the words goes over than 200 or more, I'll get more happy.(92words)


Br 1-10; Earthquake

Japan has a lot of earthquake so I had a weird affinty.

In this book, it has 5 chapters and each of them shows diffrent stories. These stories aren't related. The first chapter telles a boy who got barried in a falling building. The earthquake had struck on August 17, 1999, at 3:02A.M. The boy's name is Mehmet-eight years old. He has been trapped in a dark space for 3days. While he was trapped, he couldn't eat or water so he grew weak. In the third day, he heard a digging machine above him. He yelled and let the reacue team notice about him. And finally the rescue team came to help him. When he got rescued he lost his parents and his 2sister but he was alive and unhurt.In chapter 2, the story is about Magnitudes. It shows how big the shake is. In biggest earthquake in modern times, the earthquake in Chile,Alaska,Taipei,India and San Fransico. In earthquake in Chile in 1960, tsunami occured and the wave came to far cities as Hawaii and Japan. The speed was fast as an airplane. In Alaska, the shake was too strong that the ground lift about 10meters and 30feets. In India and Taipei, the quake flattened many towns and many people lost their lives. Lastly,2 major quake jolted San Fransico. In 1986 and 1906.In both earthquake claimed many people. Especially, in 1906, the ground moved like a wave in the ocean. Chimney fell and fired spread. It burn for 3days.
The chapter 3 shows faults in US. US doesn't seem to have a faults but theirs a lot in the east coast and Alaska. Also in this chapter, it shows terms about earthquake. If the fault moves up and down, it calles dip-slip fault. If it slides side by sides, it calles srtike-slip fault. In Japan their're both kinds of fault so it's very scary. In chapter4, it tells us about the researchers. They say that the earthquake is much greater than the risk. Because the earthwuake are impossible to predict. They strike with no warning. Fianally in the last chapter5, it tells us how to fight with fear. Earthquake cause 2 types of shaking. They are called P-waves and S-waves. P-waves, stands for pramary wave. It come in the first place but it's not dangerous. You can feel the shake but it's not strong. Then in few seconds, S-waves come. The second wave is the biggest and the strongest shake. If you feel the P-waves you should hind under the table or something to protect yourself. Even if the S-waves goes by their is still aftershocks that strike after the main quake for few days. The afterquake are usually smaller than the main quake. (453words)
Hopping,L. (2002), Earthquake. NewYork; Scholastic


Japan won !!

Japan beated Denmark by 3-1!! There were two wonderful free-kicks from Honda and Endo in the first half and Okazaki's goal beated Denmark 3-1 and claim a place in the Round of 16. Japan won and they will next face to Group F winners Paraguay on 29 June.

Paraguay is a strong country. They are the winner of the Group F and in this preliminaries they beated Brazil and Argentina. Their star player is Denis CANIZA who is a DF. This team has a strong DF. He is the heart of the DF and the team. And their offence's distinction is a sharp counter. Japanese DF should be careful about this. (111words)


France versus Slovakia

The match of Italy versus Slovakia end by 3-2 and Italy lost. Italty used to be the champion of World cup. But their World cup ended already. France also lost, so the both first and second champion has disappear from this World cup.

In this group F, Paraguay and Slovakia can go to the next stage. So if Japan could go to the next stage, the next opposition will be Paraguay. Paraguay passed group F at the first place. (79words)


The next match

The next match is going to be held on tomorrow midmight. The opposition is Denmark and the win or lose will concern to both nation. If Japan win or draw we can go to the next stage. If we lose we can't. There's a match that we can't be defeated. Anyway, who can see the live broadcast in 3 o'clock in midnight!! (63 words)


France vs South Africa

Yesterday, there was a game versus France and South Africa. The result were 2-1 and South Africa won! France was the second winner of the last World cup held in Germany. But it was a miserable World cup for France. In this World cup because they couldn't win any game, they couldn't go to the next stage and their team had a terrisble internal trouble. A coach and a player had a major argument and the player were repatriation. The rest of the player boycott the practice as a revenge. Meanwhile, South Africa is going to fall into crisis of exiting the group stage matches. In past World cup, all of the host nation had pasted the group stages. But the South Africa is going to be the first nation which couldn't pass. It's a sad thing for the South African people but I think they can be proud of beating France. (153 words)


Portugal vs North Korea

I saw this match on the TV. The first half was a very exciting game. It was a seesaw game and didn't know which team will win. But in the second half there was a show of goals. Portugal got 7 goals in total. I saw C.Ronaldo's goal. That goal was a very strange goal. He dribble by his back.( I don't if this phrase is correct.)But Portugal was very strong. Regrettably, North Korea can't go to the next stage.(81words)


World cup Part 3

Denmark beats Cameroon by 2-1. It was a come-from-behind victory. Denmark won so Cameroon discribed to exit from South Africa 2010 World cup. This means that Japan still have a chance to go to the next stage. In next match's opposition is Denmark. Japan can go to the next stage if Japan draw or a victory. Japan may not lose in this match. The next match will be on this Thursday 24th. I hope Japan could go to the next stage.(82words)


Japan lost・・・

Japan lost by 0-1. I expected that Japan will lose but anyway it's pity. But we still have hope. It will depends on the game versus Cameroon and Denmark which starts later. If Cameroon wins that will be a very good news to Japan. The most important thing is the win or lost to the game against Denmark. If Japan wins against Denmark and Cameroon beats Denmark and Netherland, the 3 teams will get a same winning point "6". So it will be a competition between the goal diffrence . If Japan gets draw between Denmark, and Cameroon and Denmark also gets draw and Netherland and Cameroon gets more that a draw Japan can go to the tournament.

Anyway Japan must win a game against Denmark and we have to cheer Cameroon.(118 words)

Almost a game against Netherland

Finally, today will be the game against Netherland. I think Netherland is very careless so Japan should catch their guard. I want Japan to win but it will be a hard game. (32words)


Br 1-09; E.T.

I saw this movie before and it was very exciting. When I saw the movie E.T. I didn't know the meaning of E.T.. The Extra-Terrestrial is called E.T. for short and that became the title. Now, since I read the book I know what's it means. "E" stands for "extra" and that means "Alien". "Terre" means "earth" and "strail" means "star".

One night, E.T. comes to earth with his friends on a spaceship. But the soon as they arrived they have to leave soon. Because the scientist realized that there is a spaceship in the forest. They came to capture the Aliens. But E.T. who is a million years old and loves plant. He ran fast as he could but he was too slow. When he was ruuning away from the scientist and the other people, the plant told E.T. the which direction should he run away. Then he realized that the spaceship left him behind. He couldn't make it. And the place where he arrived is the house which Elliot and Michael lives. As you can see, E.T. can talk to plants. When the plant says to look inside the window E.T. looks in. It's a very wonderful ability. There were 5 poeples in the liviing room and soon they notice somethings in the backyard. There are the Elliot and Michael and the other 3 friends, Greg,Tyler and Steve. Eventually, E.T. will be sooned be found by them. Soonly Elliot and his friends and E.T will be tied with strong freindship. They protect from the scientist and the other adults. Soon, Elliot wanted to sent E.T, back to his own star.
As the story proceed, E.T. will be found by the adults. When Elliot and his friends tries to free E.T. by the bicycle, they fly. This scene is very famous. At the end of the story, "I'll be right here" is a very famous part. Lastly the story is going to be very impressive. (326words)
Kotzwinkle, W.(2002).E.T. The Extra-Terrestrail. Essex;Penguin Reader

World cup part 2

France lost 2-0 to Mexico!! I heard that France is very strong so I think Mexico did a great job.
Yesterday, Korea lost by 4-1 to Argentina. One was an own goal but the other 3 were a hat trick!! I thought it was Messi who did it but it was Higuaín who did it. I wanted to see Messi goal but it 's OK. Higuaín did a great job. Korea still have a chance so I want them to do their best.
Tommorow Japan will have a game against Netherland. Netherland is a very strong country. I want them to their best. I want them at last a draw. Don't lose!! (112words)

Rainy season

Rainy season came again. I'm very unhappy with raining all day. I don't like the humid and the puddle. When I get my shoes wet I'll get dulled.I don't know why. Everyone I talked to always agree with me. How come we get dulled when we got our shoes wet? (50words)

My hobbies

My hobbies are to play video games, read comic books and stuff like that. There are simple and very familiar hobbies but there are very fun. In last few days I like to read the comic book “One Piece”. It’s a very popular comic for many peoples, especially to the teenagers. The story is very exciting and it’s very difficult to expect. The writer will mock at the good meaning. (73words)

Music I like

The kind of music I like is J-pop. I like the rhythm and the words of the music. But I don’t borrow or buy the CD to listen. Because I can listen to the popular music during my part time job. I can listen to them until I get bored. So by the time I go to Tyutaya to borrow the CDs I lose interest to the CDs. But I will buy them if I really liked it. (79words)

How I study English

The way how I study English is read, read and read. If you read books or newspapers which are written English, I can know the new words and the new grammar. If you know many words, you can be able to read, speak and write. Even if you don’t know a lot of grammar, you can be still able to communicate. So I don’t worry that much. And there’s one more ability that I can’t develop with reading. The listening. I’ll develop with watching movies, no caption and of course no dubbed into Japanese. (94 words)

Forgein country

If I had a vacation from tomorrow and have a plenty of money, I want to go to Australia.
I want to visit there as a tourist. Not to study English. I chose there because I haven’t been to south hemisphere. I want to feel that the season is reversed. And I also want to feel the nature too. I want to go diving at the Great Barrier Reef and see a lot of sea life in the nature. I think it will be different from looking from the aquarium. (90words)

My favorite movies

I like movies but I won’t go to the theater to watch them. Because I think it is little expensive and troublesome to go to the theater. If you wait for a year it will be shown on the TV. In case you at home, of course you can see it at your home, there’s no one that bothers you, you can relax, you can’t be kicked by the kid behind you and especially it is free!! But I will go to the theater if there’s a movie that I really want to see. And that was the last December. (100words)

About my Keitai

I bought my Keitai 3 years ago. It’s my second keitai that I ever had. 2 years gas passed since I bought it broke down. Suddenly the picture of Keitai broke into 3 quarters and became like a sandstorm. It totally broke down. I took that to the shop and made it fixed. Few days later it came back. The one who charged my Keitai told me that the most important part of the Keitai got destroyed. It was not because I dropped it. It was defective parts. They said it was a miracle that it last 2 years. (99words)


I should bring my umbrella

This morning, it was sunny so I thought it won't rain today, but this evening it suddenly began to rain. I didn't bring my umbrella so I was stunned. I didn't wanted to be wet so I waited until rain stops. But it won't go as we wanted, I waited for over than 30 minutes. Then the rain became drizzle so I ran to the station. I got wet a little but it was OK. From now on, I will bring my umbrella and watch the weather forcast.(89words)


About voice recording

I couldn't record my voice because the computer stop suddenly. It wasn't a freeze but it stopped recording my voice. I don't know why. I tried to do it again but the class ended. And the day I knew that there were an grace, that day was the dead line.(51words)


Vs Cameroon

Japan won by 1-0!! I can't believe it!! I'm sorry to the representative team because I thought Japan will return back from South Africa without any victory so I'm very surprised.

It was the first victory for Japan at the world cup without home country holding. Cameroon is one of the strongest team in Africa. The player are called from all over the world. The most famous player in the team is Samuel Eto'o. His name is Eto. First I thought he was Japanese.(85words)

World cup

I didn't know that the world cup had already opened!! And know that the first game will start in few more minutes!! The opposition will be Cameroon. They are strong so I think Japan will lose. I'm sorry to the representative team.(42words)

Br 1-08; MR Bean in town

I found another Mr Bean series so I borrowed it. It was very funny reading from book but I'm sure it will be more funny if you see it in the TV.


There were 2 storys in this book. The first story is in the restaurant and the other one is at the launderette. That day it was the birthday of Mr.Bean so he went to the restaurant to celeberate by himself. At the restaurant, he does so many ridiculous things. He didn't have so much money so he orded the most expensive dish he could order. The dish came and the food was a steak tartare. Steak tartare is a kind of a steak but the meat is raw. So Mr.Bean thought the dish weren't cooked. He wanted to claim that the dish weren't cooked but he sooned realised that the dish was cooked and the meat must be raw. He couldn't eat raw meat so he tries to hide the meat. At the launderette, he also does ridiculous things. For example, he pretend to drink a coffee during the waiting time but he drinks conditioner. If you read the book you will know what happened.(197words)
Escott, John.Mr.Bean in town, Essex Penguin Reader,2001.



I'm talking about myself and my hobbies. (7 words)


Br 1-07; Apollo13

I chose this book because I heard a news that Wakata astronaut came back to earth. So I wanted to read something about space.

This story is about 3 astronauts and the crue of the mission control how soved the major problem that happened in the Apollo 13. In Christian, the number 13 is very ominous. So many people worried and wanted everything will goes fine. But in Monday, April 13. 1970 when Apllo 13 was flying to the moon, the ship's Oxygen tank exploded. The ship was loosing it's power and oxygen. Losing the ship's power means that the astronuat can't come home. Losing oxygen means death. So it was a major problem. They didn't have enough power to come back by it's self so they used the moon's gravity. They didn't have the time but that was the best way. So they went around the Lunar Orbit , blast thier engine, leave the lunar orbit and came back to earth. (169 words)


Broyles, W. (2001). Apollo13. Essex: Penguin Reader.


Br 1-06; Men in Black

I chose this book because I have seen this DVD before and it was intresting. I wanted to read it in word.

This story is about 2 mens who get rids of aliens at NY. Their name are Kay and Jay.In this story, Jay and Kay tryies to get rid of alien that looks like a bug. They kill aliens as the people in the earth kills bugs. The organization isn't been notice to the citizen. In that organiztion, aliens also work with people. As you can see not aliens are dangerous. An aliens in this organization, loves to drink coffee.Maybe theres an alien at hand. (117words)
Gardener, J. (1997). Men in Black. Esse: Penguin Reader


Br 1-05; Jaws

One night a young woman went to a swim. It was a warm june night but the water felt cold. The woman swam away from the beach about 70 meters. She felt somethng dangerous but doesn’t know what it is. Then something hit her leg. She put her hand into the water where the leg should be. But she cant finf her leg anywhere. Next day her friend and the police officer Brody founs a womans head and some arms up in the shore. Brody tries to close the beach but nobody willl listen to him. And then a young boy goes to the sea…104

This story is famous as a movie so you may have seen it before. It is a horror film and a bit grotesque.(127words)


Benchley, P. (1974). Jaws. Essex: Penguin Reader.


Br 1-04; Mr Bean

I read "Mr. Bean" . I have seen Mr.Bean on TV. It was midmight but it was very funny so I remember it very cleary. As you can see this guy is very funny. Especially I like his face, expression and his every single action. You can't read this book without a laugh. You should read it!! (57words)


Curtis,R.(1997).Mr Bean.Essex:Penguin Reader


essay 1-02a

I like baseball. I like both playing and watching it. I haven't play baseball in a club. Only at the P.E , lunch breaks and after school with my friends. It was fun but a little bit scary.

I like to watch baseball in the TV. There's 2 leagues in Japan and there are Central league and Pacific league. This year, in the central league, Tokyo Yomiuri Giants is very strong. It's almost going to run alone. In the pacific league, Saitama Seibu Lions, Chiba Lotte Marines and Fukuoka Softbank Hawks are in contention. ⇒ www.npb.or.jp/eng/

Every 3 years there's an international baseball game at the United States. It's like a world cup for the baseball. Last year there was a game and 16 counties that had participated including Japan, United States, Cuba, Dominica, Korea, China and also Italy. Next year, the team that participate will going to increase. I will be happy if baseball will spread to the country that doesn't know it. ⇒ www.worldbaseballclassic.com/

Baseball needs more money to play, compared to soccer. So it's difficult to spread baseball to the area that doesn't have enough money. Soccer only needs a ball, but baseball you need gloves, bats, balls and protector to save from injury. But I hope as soon as the kids in the developing country plays baseball, they'll know how fun to play catch.

I also like to play baseball too. If I play baseball, I will play the second base. I think this is the the best position for me because the ball won't come very often and if it comes, it's not too dangerous. And also it's closest to the first base so I don't have to throw the ball far away. (284 words)

MLB Advanced Media, . (2001-2010). WORLD BASEBALL CLASSIC. . Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://web.worldbaseballclassic.com/index.jsp.

Nippon Professional Baseball, . (1996-2010). Nippon Professional Baseball. NBP. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.npb.or.jp/eng/.


Today is really hot. I heard that today is the hottest day in this year. But from now on, it will get more hotter so I don't like it. And I also don't like it if its gets cold. (39words)


Essay 1-01a

Dear my host family, Now, I want to introduce myself. First of all, my name is Taiichi Sakumoto. I live in Kumamoto Japan and 19 years old. I study English at Kumamoto Gakuen University. I study there to become an English teacher in the future. I want work at the middle school or at the high school. But I haven't chosen it yet, though I'm studying hard.

Secondly, I want to introduce my hobbies. I have 2 hobbies and there are playing video games and read comic books. These 2 hobbies are very simple and common but they are very interesting for me. My favorite video games are “Monster Hunter” series. In this game you have to hunt big monsters. You can “hunt” with 4 people including me. This game is very popular with teenagers. And the sequel will be sold in this December so I'm very looking forward for it. And my favorite comic book is “One Piece”. This story features Monkey D. Luffy, whose want to become a pirate king. And he eat a strange fruit and became Rubber human: anybody who eats it can never learn to swim. The story looks dangerous but this story is filled with impression, adventure and laughter. And this story is also very famous to teenagers.

Finally when I came to your country, I want to study English hard and learn your country's culture. I want to have an international field of vision and show my ability at the global community, as an international teacher.

Sincerely,Taiichi (251words)

Br 1-03; Jumanji

I've seen this movie before when I was a kid. I like this movie and wonder where did the animals came from. I've read the book again and thought the story was interesting afresh. I undertstood the thrill by reading it and it was fun. I wanted to see the movie again. And I still wonder that is the animal a CG or a real anmail. (67 words)

Strasser, Todd and John Escott. Jumanji. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 1996.


Baseball ; Free writing

My favorite sport is baseball. I like both playing and watching it. If I play the baseball, I do the second. I like this place because the ball won't come very often and if they came it's not too dangerous. And the first base is very close so I don't have to throw the ball way too long.

And my favorite baseball team are Yokohama and Hiroshima. These teams are weak recently so I want them to beat the stronger team like Giants. Giants is very strong in few years . (81words)

Baseball; Brainstroming

home run





Bad weather

Today's weather was very complex. It was a bit chilly but when we go into the classroom, it gets very warm and sweaty. And worstly, it became to rain. I don't like the moisture like today's afternoon. Originally, Kumamoto's weather are very hot and humidity in the summer.

If you are not from Kumamoto, it will be very hard summer!! Cheers!! (61words)


I'm tired...

In last 2 days, I went to a mountain with my Grandfather and my father. The mountain has been inherit from generation to generation. I went there for the first time of my life and land were so so large. My job was to cut down very thin trees which the diameter was less than 1 centimeter. I cutted down many trees and I became very tired. After we took a break, I was allowed to use the chain saw. The sound of the engine were very loud but when I cut down the thicker tree, It cutted down the tree very slashingly. I feeled very pleasent. (^^)=3 (107words)


New Game!!

Today, I bought a new video game. It's a PSP soft and I was very looking forward to play with it. The title is "Metal Gear Solid peace walker". It's a newest game of "Metal Gear" series. In the game you have to infiltrat to enemy base without been notice by the enemy soldier. And you also have to save the world. When you play the game, its very thrilling.

After writing this blog, I'm going to play it until I get sleepy. And if you are interested in this game you should play it!! (95words)



Br 1-02; The Story of the Cars

I read the book about the history of cars. This book tells us how car were invented and how it developed. The first car were planned by Leonardo da Vinci. At that time nobody believed it will work.

After 400 years later, first steam engine were invented but it had'nt enough horsepower. So the inventer turned away from steam and tried different engine instead. Like Gunpowder. Some tried electricity, though the betteries stopped twice in 10 minuetes.

After gas engine were invented the car circle developed very speedlily.

I recommend this book to whose who want to know the history of cars.


Startup labels

Startup labels:

  • books, brainstorms, drafts, essay prep., essays, free-writing, graphics, links, media, movies, outlines, quickposts, reviews, typing, websites [19words]


Br 1-01; Titanic

I read the book "Titanic". This book tells how Titanic was made and how Titanic sank. It was wrote in details with many pictures on it. And that pictures are very easy to see. It tells how Titanic sank by step by step and the position where Titanic sank. And also the other ship's position's distance on the night of the disaster. The ship "Californian" was the closest ship to save the survivals. If you read this book and see the moivie, you can know how tragety that was. (89words)


Yesterday, I had migraine. In Japanese, we call it "偏頭痛”. This headache hurts in the one side of your head and it pounds. It hurts by the heartbeat and have to take a strong medicine to cure it. So yesterday I had to be in bed for almost all the day and it was very boring day.


First classes

Every first classes are very nervous for me. f there's no one that I don't know, I will be more nervous. But there is not all bad things. Its a new class so I can make a new friends and if I study hard, I can get a great score and get a new knowledge.(57words)