

Br 1-10; Earthquake

Japan has a lot of earthquake so I had a weird affinty.

In this book, it has 5 chapters and each of them shows diffrent stories. These stories aren't related. The first chapter telles a boy who got barried in a falling building. The earthquake had struck on August 17, 1999, at 3:02A.M. The boy's name is Mehmet-eight years old. He has been trapped in a dark space for 3days. While he was trapped, he couldn't eat or water so he grew weak. In the third day, he heard a digging machine above him. He yelled and let the reacue team notice about him. And finally the rescue team came to help him. When he got rescued he lost his parents and his 2sister but he was alive and unhurt.In chapter 2, the story is about Magnitudes. It shows how big the shake is. In biggest earthquake in modern times, the earthquake in Chile,Alaska,Taipei,India and San Fransico. In earthquake in Chile in 1960, tsunami occured and the wave came to far cities as Hawaii and Japan. The speed was fast as an airplane. In Alaska, the shake was too strong that the ground lift about 10meters and 30feets. In India and Taipei, the quake flattened many towns and many people lost their lives. Lastly,2 major quake jolted San Fransico. In 1986 and 1906.In both earthquake claimed many people. Especially, in 1906, the ground moved like a wave in the ocean. Chimney fell and fired spread. It burn for 3days.
The chapter 3 shows faults in US. US doesn't seem to have a faults but theirs a lot in the east coast and Alaska. Also in this chapter, it shows terms about earthquake. If the fault moves up and down, it calles dip-slip fault. If it slides side by sides, it calles srtike-slip fault. In Japan their're both kinds of fault so it's very scary. In chapter4, it tells us about the researchers. They say that the earthquake is much greater than the risk. Because the earthwuake are impossible to predict. They strike with no warning. Fianally in the last chapter5, it tells us how to fight with fear. Earthquake cause 2 types of shaking. They are called P-waves and S-waves. P-waves, stands for pramary wave. It come in the first place but it's not dangerous. You can feel the shake but it's not strong. Then in few seconds, S-waves come. The second wave is the biggest and the strongest shake. If you feel the P-waves you should hind under the table or something to protect yourself. Even if the S-waves goes by their is still aftershocks that strike after the main quake for few days. The afterquake are usually smaller than the main quake. (453words)
Hopping,L. (2002), Earthquake. NewYork; Scholastic

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