

Book review#10 Magic Tree House#7 Sunset of the Sabertooth

This time they went to an ice age to find the "M" thing. When they went to the tree house, they found a book that calls "Life in the Ice Age". The view from the window was full of snow. Now the adventure began. First they went to a cave. This cave was full of animal bones. They got creepy and heard a big animal goar. Jack thought it might be an eight feet tall bear so they ran out from the cave. Then they found another cave. This cave didn't have animal bones but there're some painting on the wall. And also there was coats that made from the fur of the animals and flute made from the mammoth bones. And again, they heard an animal roar. They ran to the outside of the cave but there was a saber-tooth tiger in front of them. They ran back to the tree house but they fell into the hole. The tiger went away but now they have to get out from the hole. Then a men came and threw a rope into the Jack and Annie. They're saved. This man had a mammoth with him like a pet. This men was so kind that he took the kids back to the tree house. Then the saber tooth came again. They got panic even the mammoth did. Some how Annie told Jack to play the flute. Jack thought it was ridiculous but he did so. When the tiger heard it he went away. Annie brought this flute and got a mammoth bone that starts with the letter "M".

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Osborne, M.P. (1996). Magic Tree House#7 Sunset of the Sabertooth. New York: Random House.


Book review#9 Magic Tree House#6 Afternoon on the Amazon

This time I read the sixth story of this Magic Tree House series and the story continues. They went to Amazon. The story before this, htey went to ancient Japan and got a moonstone and again, there was a clue that starts with the letter "m".

When they got to the Amazon, they were at the top of the forest. They went on an adventure if there're any clues. But when they got to the ground they were chased by army ants. Army ants are one of the strongest animal in the jungle because it eats fresh by millions of ants at the same time. Then they got chased by jaguar, crocodile and piranhas. They were in panic but the monkeys saved them and became their freinds. At the end of the story, the monkey gaved them a mango and again they got something that do with "m".


Osborne, Mary Pope. Magic Tree House#6 After noon on the amazon. New York: Random House, 1995.


Book review#8 Magic Tree House#5 Night of the Ninja

I read the fifth story of the Magic tree house series. This time they went to ancient japan and met ninja. There’re 3 stories before this book and according to the introduction, it says that this tree house belongs to a woman whose name is Morgan and she travels time and space to gather books. She was a magical librarian from the time of King Arthur. And it seems to be that the tree house won’t be there every time. It appears once in a few days.

This time they went to the tree house and saw a message. It said find 4 things. They didn’t know what it means but soon they realize that it was a message that Morgan was missing. They went to ancient japan to find Morgan. They saw two ninjas and when they were looking at them, they were caught. But the ninjas weren’t bad guys, they were nice. They said they are fighting against Samurai and that samurai have something do with the message.

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Osborne, Mary Pope. Magic Tree House#5 Night of the Ninja. New York: Random House, 1995.


Book Review#7 Magic Tree House#1 Dinosaurs Before Dawn

From now on I’m going to write about the Magic tree house series as the book reviews. First of all, this Magic Tree House is kind of Magic school bus series. It takes people to the different places and to the different era. The first book I read is the first story about this tree house.

The main character is Jack and Annie. There’re brother and sister and one day they found a tree house that they haven’t seen it before. They climbed up the ladder by curiosity. In the house there was full of books. He took a book on his hand and it was written about prehistoric animals. He wished he could go to that era. Then the tree house began to spin and they were gone to prehistoric era, 65 million years ago. They met a flying dinosaur called Pteranodon and named him Henry. The sister had a talent to talk to the dinosaur. They became friends. Then they also met Triceratops and Anatosauruses. They watched them very carefully but they saw a T-Rex coming. They ran to the tree house and tried to go back to the normal era but it was useless. This is because he forgot his books. He sneaked to get back the books from getting unknowed from T-Rex but the way back to the tree house he got founded. Soon the sister talked to Pteranodon to help his brother. This flying dinosaur flew straight forward to Jack and rescued him. Now they could get back to their own era.

I recommend this book because it’s very easy to read and not too long. I could read it in 20 minutes or so.

Osborne, Mary Pope. Magic Tree House#1 Dinosaurs Before Dawn. New York: Random House, 1992.

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Movie review~Camp Rock~

This is a movie review of the movie “Camp Rock”. The heroine of this story is a girl whose name is Mitchie. She’s young, maybe high school student and wants to be a professional singer. She’ll have summer vacation in the story and during that vacation, she wants to go to a music camp calls “Camp Rock”. This camp causes tuition and at first her parent couldn’t afford it. So her mother had some kind of personal connection and she’ll be the cook and Mitchie’s tuition will have discount. Instead she must help her mother at the kitchen.

In the camp there’s a special guest, a pop star “Shane”, a leader of a group “connection 3”. He was forced to make a duet song with the winner of the Final jam, a live that will be hold at the last of the camp and everyone will practice for it. During the camp, he was supposed to have dance lessons but he didn’t really want to do it. On the first day, he heard a beautiful song and the voice. He really loved the voice and wanted to make a song with the person who sang. He’ll look for the one who sang.

At the opening jam, she met many people who loves music just like her but soon realize that many peoples are rich and have popular person in their family. Mitchie got miserable that she could came to this camp by her mother’s job. So she told lies to the new friends like Caitlyn, Tess, Shane and everyone else. She told that her mother is a president of a TV company in China and have met many famous people. Tess, whose known that her mother is very famous and she acts like a queen. Tess invites Mitchie to become the back singer. She wanted to be popular so she hanged around with Tess. She tried hard to keep her secret to Tess and other friends but when Caitlyn and Tess had argument and Caitlyn had to help at the kitchen, Caitlyn realize that Mitchie is telling a lie about her mother. Now Caitlyn is upset and their friendship are gone.

Meanwhile Shane spread a word to everyone in the camp that he’s looking for the girl who was singing. He and Mitchie were having a good time talking and singing about music but Tess got jealous about these 2. When she knew the lyric and realize that the song who is singing was Mitchie and almost at the same time she knew about the lie Mitchie were telling. So she spread the truth in front of everybody and now everyone is upset. And also he somehow did a trick that the Mitchie and Caitlyn stole her bracelet. These 2 girls got punished that they couldn’t participate until the final jam is over.
The final jam began. Everyone did great on the stage and the final jam is over. So Mitchie and Caitlyn think hard somehow to perform. The punishment was not to sing until the final jam is over. So after the final singer sang their song, Mitchie sang. Shane realized that the voice is Mitchie and she also realize that she was been looking for. It totally matched.

The winner is Peggy whose the name of the singer. Her real name is Margaret. She was supposed to be the member of the group of Tess but they argued and performed individually. She won the right to had duet with Shane. Tess apologized to Mitchie and other friends to be mean and told Mitchie and Caitlyn weren’t the burglar.

At last, Mitchie, Caitlyn, Tess and her formal member went to Caitlyn’s “small” record studio and sang song. The end.

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Toying My Car

Today, I toyed my car. The part I toyed is the front bumper. There is two bars that the color is the same with the body. I didn't know that there was a thing like that. I realize that when I saw the same car with diffrent color. I thought it was coated but knew it wasn't. I was quite shocked because I didn't realize that since I bought it and it has been a year. I searched on the internet how to change the parts and where can I buy it. At the end, it says that its a part of the front bumper and I found it was sold in the internet. I bought it very cheap.

And yesterday, the part arrived. I took off the front bumper as it was said on the internet. This is what it looks likes when I took off the bumper.

Finally, I did it!! The picuter below is what it looks like before.

This is after what it looks like. Do you whats the diffrence? Well this is just a self-complacency.
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Last sunday I changed my cell phone to the new iPhone4S!! It's the brand new iphone that is been sold. The "Softbank" said that the fee for the iPhone itself will be free, if I deal to use it for 2 years. My formal one costs about 7000 yen per month but if I change it to the iPhone, I only have to pay the basic fee only which costs aabout 5000 yen. So it would be cheaper if I change it.

The feedback of using iPhone is "Too high technology". My older one were high technology enough but iPhone is too high technology so I can't achieve mastery of using it.

Let me give you an example. There're 2 ways to send a mail. First one is the one that looks likethe normal way. You have to go to the mail and send it. But the there's another one that you can mail like a chat. Both of them could mail to both cell phone and "Smart phone"so I just want to whats the diffrence.

And most part that I can't understand is that the button which iPhone has. The buttoon that if you push it, it goes back but it for me, it goes too back. I just want to go back to a page back but it goes all the way back to the mail menu!!



Trail Lesson

Today I did trail lesson to get the English teacher's certificate. I've been preparing for this assigment for a week. It would be my culmination of what I've been studying last few years. I had to do a class about "relative pronoun (Who)" and I have to do 40 minutes class. I've done trail lesson in 15 minutes and 20 minutes but this time, it was my first time to a 40 minutes class. Before I do the class, I was very anxious not nervous, because I still didn't remember when and what to say and what to do in which steps.

During the class, the time went by faster then I expected. I finished the class so I still had 10 minutes left. So, I taught what I did this morning.

This is what I did. This morning before I came to school, I went to a convienince store to print out the papers what I'll use in the class. The printer that cost 10 yens to print out one paper. I printed out 30 papers so I payed 500 yens to the machine and I was supposed to have 200 yens as a change but I forgot to take it!! I lost my 200 yens.

So I used this phrase in the class; A: Mr.Sakumoto is a man. B: He forgot to take his changes.

The students will answer "Mr.Sakumoto is a man who forgot to take his changes".

Everyone in the class were having fun and said it was easy to understand what I was teaching. Most people said my class has a power of healing and it was a fun class. I didn't knew I had the power of healing but I glad my class were fun and simple(in the positive way). Finally the class is over and my great weight off of my shoulders.

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Book Review#6 Magic school bus Inside a hurricane

This time they are learning about weather. Their field trips are so strange that when they study about human body, they go into the human body. So this time they will go into a hurricane. First the bus changed into a hot air balloon so that they could study about the hot air rises which concerns to the weather a lot. They have traveled five hundred miles and got to one of the world’s hurricane breeding place. They have gone all the way to the equator. The class flew into the hurricane and the balloon sprung a leak and began to fall so they jumped out from the ship. Now they’re like doing sky diving but the clouds surrounding them were full of bolts and lighting. They thought it would be all over but the plane appeared and now they’re all right except Arnold. This is the ridiculous part of this story that the teacher knew when Arnold couldn’t come back, Ms. Frizzle, marked his absent and said he would be all right. He fell all the way down and got saved by the fishing boat.

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