

BR 2-03: The Battle of Newton Road

This story is about a battle between the civilans and civil engineer. Civil engineer wants to knock down the houses and bulit a new road. The main character who is a civilian of Newton Road, Sally Robinson is of course against this project. She lives in a small house but she is happy. She likes her house and likes Newton road. she likes her neighbours and the neighbours likes her. The road is a happy road. But one day thay found a poster that theres an important meeting at the city hall. They couldn't understand how come there's an important meeting in this happy town. Soon they notice about the project and start a protest movement. Can they provent the project?

I reccomend this book. It's a bit difficult and long story but I'm sure you can read it.
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Leslie,D,(2000).The battle of Newton Road.Essex:Penguin Reader

BR 2-02: Amazon Rally

I read a book called " Amazon Rally". The main character David and Brain are motercycle driver who are from England. They usually race in England and some other European countries but this time they are going to Brazil for a race. Racers from many counties are going there too. They are going to across the Amazon river.

But I won't recommend this book. Because the story is quite different than I expected. The most of the story is about some kind of friend ship between the main character and the Indians. I thought the story will be about the race and exciting story. But It wasn't so I was quite disappointed.
(96 words)+15


Amos, E. (2000). Amazon Rally. Essex:Penguin Reader.

Essay 2-02a My language exprience

I have learned 3 languages in my life. Those are Japanese, English and Spanish. Japanese is my native language and the english is my second language. I start to learn Spanish since I entered this university.

The native language, which is Japanese was difficult for me to study. Speaking and Listening wasn't so difficult but writing and reading, especially Kanji was very difficult for me to master. It took time for me to learn Kanji because there's a lots of meaning and diffrent reading depends on different situation. For example the Japanese "Osameru" has a same pronunciation but there're 4 meaning. Those meanning are govern, learn,pay and store. When you are talking in Japanese and hear the word "Osameru", you can't know what it means. You have to consider from the context. But in English you don't have to do such a thing like that.

In learning classic Japanese and classic Chinese, these looked like an diffrent language for me. In classic Japanese you have to learn another words for this subject. That annoyed me very much so I don't like classic Japanese. On the other hand classic Chinese wasn't so difficult for me. If I read the sentence the right order I could understand what the text book want to say.

Now I want to write about my experience about English. I start to study english when I was second year of elementary school. The first year was horrible. I couldn't understand what the teacher wants to talk. I couldn't even introduce myself. The second year, I could talk to my friends but it was still a prattle english. Though it was enough to communicate with friends. The third year and the fourth year, I have improved enough that I could talk to adults. But when I entered to the middle school, I quit learning english. I didn't have much trouble learning english in middle school. Many student around me had some trouble studying english but I couldn't teach. I was very disappointed. I can solve the questions but I couldn't explain why the answer is going to be like. Especially I couldn't explain the diffrence between was, were, is and are.

I studied Spanish the first time in my life in this university. It was very intersting for me because the words in Spanish were very familiar to English. I could guess the meanning from the spelling even though I don't know the right meaning. Usually it was correct. I could understand the English and Spanish are relatives. There was also a suprising thing that there's a sex in nouns. It was very surprising that in Spanish "manzana" means apple is female and "escriorio" which means desk is a male. I couldn't understand why apple is a female and desk is a female.

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Mind map

My language learning experience

I have learned 3 languages in my life. That is Japanese, English and Spanish. I learned Spanish in university and I liked it. But the teacher who told us Spanish was a bad teacher so I don’t want to study Spanish from him. If the teacher changes I want to study Spanish. In junior high school and high school, I didn’t like the class of Japanese. Especially I didn’t like the class learning about old Japanese. I couldn’t read and understand what it was talking about. Remembering Kanji was difficult for me.



BR 2-01:My best friend's a genius

I read a book about a genius and his friend. The main character Miles is a genius. He can make a fying skateboard, computer-controlled mouse traps and automatic toilet flushers. The automatic toilet flusher has already invented in Japan so I didn't really suprised but I thought the flying skateboard is very awesome. If their is one, it looks like detective Conan.

One day Miles wanted to make a hyper phone. He wanted to communicate with aliens who came to earth. He made that hyperphone within three days. His parent wouldn't buy for him so he made it all by himself. Suddenly a high-pitched squeaky sound came out from the phone. The light turned on and off again. Then the strange squeaky sound turned into words.

I recommend this book because it is one of the most funny book that I have read. If you read this book, I think you will be like it because of the surprising ending. I think you will sure be surprised at the owner of the voice. At least I was surprised at the ending and if their is another story of this series I want to read it.

144 words+49


Essay 2-01b Room in my room

My favorite place is my room. My room is in my grandparents house and live right next to each other so the both house are connected by the hallway. The house is located pn the top of the hill so the scence is not bad. From the window I can see the elementary school which built in front of me. I also can see the route 57 so sometimes, the motercycle gangs are very noisy. And if I see the back of my house, there's a cliff. It not as so deep and not dangerous. There's also a stream and a cowshed. It doesn't smell at all but I sometime hear them mooing very energetic. I can see some calves when I go there in spring. They are very cute.

The exterior of the room is very simple. As I said my room is in my grandparents home so it's an old house. There's only 2 rooms in the second floor. The brothers room and mine. There's also a balcony and the two rooms are connected by it. I's very useful because you can go to the balcony from your own room so I don't have to disturb my brother.The same thing I can say from my grandmother. I think that all that I can explain.There's is no more thing that I can say.

Next, the interior of my room is also simple too. There's a bed, TV, desk, closet, flooring ect. This room used to be my dad's room. When my dad was using this room the room was'nt floored, it was tatami and of course no air-conditioner. So when my grandfather remodel the room for me, my dad was a bit abset. There's also a strange fusuma; a framed and papered sliding door used as a room paritition. I have'nt open it yet. I will write about this later.

Basically I use my room only to sleep. Otherwise when I play PS3. Since I get relax too much, I can't study at my room. I'll soon get sleepy and by the time I realised what I'm doing, I'm sleeping.

Now I want to tell you about the another room in my room. First of all, I haven't opened the room so I don't know what's in it. It's too wierd. I think it is an attic but I'm not sure. The clothes and Futons are in the closet in the other room so I don't think it's a closet. In the end of the year, I saw my grandmother looking for something in that room. Of course I don't know what it was. After the new years holiday, I saw my grandmother cleaning up something to that room again.

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