

Too spicy curry

I went to CoCoiti yesterday. You can select how spicy the will curry be. There're 10 levels and the level 10 is the hottest. And I selected the level 5. If you just see the level, it's in the middle and feels the spice will be medium. But when I ate the curry, it was too spicy enough. While you're eating, I didn't feel so spicy but when you stop or rest eating it hurts. And also the rice is hot so that heat make you feel more spicy. Finally, my ear started to hurt. I don't know if it relates to the curry but it's sure that it started to hurt after I started eating. It took 30 minutes to eat just a curry. I ate level 5 yesterday so I wonder how spicy is the level 10 is.

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BR 2-12: The story of flying

I read a book that calls "The story of flying". It tells about the history of planes. People wanted to fly thousands of years ago. The first plane was drewed in 1487 in Italy. Leonard da Vinci wrote it but never had been built. Until the Wright brothers invent the plane, many many people tried to fly. Some people made a wing like a bird and tried to flap. As the technology progress some inventor had a steam engine on it but never flyed. Finally on December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers flew. They challenged and crashed many times. I believe they should be very happy when they could flyed. Soon many people started building planes. In 1909, the first air show has been held in France. 38 planes took part of the show but only 23 of them could take off. In those day they had competition to see who can fly the highest, longest and fastest. The first prize for the non-stop flying was 180km. He flewed for 3 hours. The fastest plane flew 45km per hour. In those days it was very incredible.

In this book, it is also wrote about helicopters. The first helicopter only waas in the air for 20 second and didnIt even rised as high as a man. In 1940 the first helicopter called "R4" and used by U.S. navy in world war 2. Now, helicopters are used in armies, police and used to trasport sick person to the hospital. The biggest helicopter is called "Skycrane". It's half helicopter and the other half is a crane. It's strong enough to lift trains or truck and strong enough to lift a house.

Today, people had been gone to space and walk at the moon. And there're people living in the space. The technology has been improved in a century. It is still expensive to go to space. But some day, we may go to space as a luxury trip.

I recommend this book because it tells about plane's history in easy english. If you like planes, you may like it. It is a little long book but it's not so hard to read. As reading this story the most suprising part is the part of the skycrane. I don't think the skycrane is in somewhere in Kumamoto or in Japan but if I have a chance, I want to see it. But possible, I want to see it carrying house.
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Sims, L. (2004). The story of flying. London: Usborne Young Reading.

essay 2-03b My university life

In this essay I want to write about my university life. I’m a student of Kumamoto Gakuen University. I’m a second grade student and study English at this university. Every day I have to go to school by car or train. And it takes an hour so if I miss the train I’ll be late even the class starts an hour later.

As I wrote in the first paragraph, I belong to the department studying English. In this department we usually study English and try to develop our own English skills. There’re many facilities to study English. For example, there’s an “English Lounge” where you can’t speak Japanese at all in that room. You can improve your speaking skills and listening skills. However I haven’t been there before. And if you take an exam like TOEIC, you can take the exam much cheaper than taking the exam outside of the university. I’m very satisfied with that but I don’t like the way they draw the prize money to high grader student.

In class we study the 4 skills of English like reading, writing, speaking and listening. In the first grade we studied the grammar. It was like review of the high school English. Sometimes we also study about American and England literature. I like the way how American story ends, the main character will always have been killed or suicide at the last. But I’m not so interested in literature. I can’t remember who wrote what and the masterpiece of that writer.

I also study how to become an English teacher. In this curriculum, we study many things. For example, we study the constitution of Japanese education. We read the constitution and understand what it shows. It tells very simple so you have to read very hard. We also study about the guideline of education. We have to remember what it is and what is written about. Finally we also learn how to study English. This is the most important thing. It’s very difficult to teach English to junior high school student easier. There’s many ways just to teach one word. You can say the same thing to other skills. I did some micro teaching in this curriculum. I got very nervous and I thought I was going to die.

Now I want to write about clubs and circles. I Don’t belong to any clubs or circles. Because I heard that every week we have to drink and use a lot of money to many things. I didn’t think I have enough money and first of all I can’t drink much as everyone else can. So I can use that time and money to other things like the assignments. I have a lot of homework to do so if I belong to a club or circles. I think I won’t have enough time to do it.

Finally I don’t have part-time job now. I used to have one but the company was very company. They don’t treat the customer as a “god”. I’m the one who is going to be complained from the customer. So I quit. I want it but I’m too busy in last few weeks so I don’t need it. Although I want some money.

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I can' be happy

I don't have my forth period's class. I want to get happy but I can't. I still have a class on the fifth period. I don't have a class so I have a plenty of free time. I wanted to do the book reviews but I returned all the books to the library so I don't have a book to read! I shouldn't have returned the books.
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I can see CS in my TV. I wonder why I can. Because I haven't contract with them. Usually you must pay the fee but I don't remember paying anything. And also the free trial period is already over so really wonder why. Although I fell very lucky. You can see many channel like the channel that bradcasts music all the time. You can see the PV all time. If you see "Animax" you can watch anime all day long. I like to see "Gintama". Like today, it showed "Gintama" for eleven hours. I didn't watch all the story but you can't see it on the any normal TV so I was happy and suprised.



BR 2-11:Animal Legend

This book is very funny. First I thought this book will tell us the truth. But it's full of joke. In this book, it tells about why cats chases rats and why monkeys live in trees. It also tells about rabbit and crocodile but this part, you read it.

First I want to write about why cats chases rats. It's very famous that cats chases rats. As you can see in the anime "Tom and Jerry". Everybody knows that it's just a food chain. But in this book it tells such a ridculous thing. It tells that long long time ago, cats and rats used to be a best friends. Did you know that!? According to this book, it says cat and rat lived happily together on an island. The island had all they needed. There were birds for the cats to chase. And plenty of juicy plants for rat to nibble with her sharp front teeth. There was only one problem. There wasn't much else to do. Most days they were bored. Then one moring, the rat had an idea to look for somewhere else to live. The cat agreed to the idea. They had an idea to make a boat from the trunk of a tree. The rat gnawed at a tree until the tree can timber. Then the cat scratched inside of the trunk so they could sit. They rowed and rowed for a long time. The cat felt tired so the he fell asleep. The rat felt hungry and realised that she forgot to bring some foods. While the cat was sleeping, the rat ate the side of the boat. Soon the water started to slosh up through the hole and started to sink. After the boat sant they had to swim back to the island. As you can see cats doesn't like to get wet. So the cat get very angry and splutted to eat the rat. After the rat get to the shore, she digged a hole and ran into it. The cat will sit in front of the hole until the rat appears.

The expression that impressed me was "That is why, today, a cat will sit for hour upon hour , waiting to prounce on a rat".(P.15 L5~L8) It's the scene you can see in the anime "Tom and Jerry". I could imagine this scene every easily . Even though I haven't seen it in my life. So if I have a chance I want see it.

Finally I want to write why monkeys live in trees. Many years ago king of the jungle was gorilla. This gorilla had a daughter and all of the animal wanted to marry her. But she couldn't choose who to marry. Then gorilla found a barrel with a water tastes fire. He had an idea to test the other animal if they could drink the whole barrel. If the animal could drink the whole barrel of fire water, the gorrila would let him marry her. First, the elephant came challenged. He sucked up the fire water and sneezed and sprayed water everywhere. Secondly, the hippo came and took a big mouthful of fire water and chocked. Next the warthog and leopard challenged but either of them failed. Finally a tiny monkey appeared and challenged. All the animal wondered how can this tiny monkey could drink all the barrel of fire water. First the monkey gulped a large mouthful of fire water and an into the bushes. After a few moment the monkey came back and gulp of fire water and again ran into the bushes. They had a secret behind the bushes. Benhind the bushes, a whole tribe were finding and each monkey will drink the fire water in turns. By the end of the day, the monkey drank the all of the fire water. Finally the monkey was allowed to marry but suddenly the giraffe shouted. "The monkey cheated!!" "His friend helped him!!" The monkeys ran off to the trees. Monkeys have been living upon the trees ever since.

The expression that I was impressed is "The barrel was full of greasy water. Naresh(The name of the gorrila) took a sip. It tasted of fire. Fire water? he said, That might be useful".(P19 L5~L8) I wonder what is in the barrel and how does it tastes.
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New year's resolutions

This year I want to take all the credit that I studied and find a new part time job. I’ll be the third grade in the university and it will be one of the important era in the university life. I heard some of the student will start finding there job.

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