

W2 My favorite Manga

My favorite manga is "One Piece". I've been reading this story since I was high school student. First I wasn't reading this manga but my some of my friends recommended to me. Soon, I became the fan of it and still reading every week until now. In these days reading "One Piece" at the concvenience store is the most pleasure time in a week. So after I read "One Piece", I feel that I lost my favorite things to do in that week.

The reason why I like One Piece is the amount of the things that the readers don't know. There're so many things that the reader wants to know so I kept reading. And also I can't imagine what will happen next.

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BR ①The magic school bus:inside a beehive

I read the book call "The magic school bus; inside a beehive". This majic school series is very interesting and you can know many thing. The contents may be difficult but its written in easy english.

This school bus is very intereting. It can transform to a space ship, plane and submarine. And can also shrink so tiny so this bus can go inside the human body or can even go to space or undersea. In this book this school bus transformed to a bee and went to a beehive. They transform and go everywhere like a school excursion.

The story begins in a perfect spring day. They were studying about insects and decide to observe about honey bee. They shrink to a bee and worn a costume like a bee. They pretend to be a bee and hike to this bee hive. This book also tells about many various thing that concern with bees. For example, bees communicate by dance and smells.

Its very intersting and you can know many thing and I like this series.
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W1 My favorite singer

My favorite singer is backstreet boys. I’ve been listening to their songs since when I became their fan. I only listen to them when I’m driving a car. I don’t listen to their songs everywhere, every time and whenever I what. Because my earphone is BROKEN!!
So I can only listen to them in car.

The most favorite song is “I want it that way”. I heard this song many many years ago and I liked it. Though I didn’t know the artist called backstreet boys were singing. I knew this group but I thought I was a kind of noisy music group because of the word “backstreet”. But anyway I after I know their songs, I bought the CDs and put it into my Walkman.
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New car

My younger brother brought a car. A NEW car. Can you believe it? He got his driving license only 2 or 3 weeks ago and still didn't have drove yet. After you took your licesne I think you should drive the older car so you can change or disused the car after you get into accidents or rub to the block or something. But he got his car bought from granpa. Well, grandpa also bought a new car from for me a year ago but I got it bought after I drove a very old car than has enginge stalls even its AT.

I don't know what car they will buy. So I'll write it after I get some any imformation.
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Something I did during the vacation

The special thing that I did dur ing thisvacation is that I went to social welfar einstitution to appr entice. I went ther e for5 days. It looks ver y har d but it was ver yinter esting for me. I lear ned many thingsfr om them. It har d to put in wor ds butif I say It’s the way how to under standwhat people think who can’t have anycommunication. I think I can say thesame thing to the teacher s and when youcommunicate who don’t have any pr oblemto communicate. I thought it will be one ofthe most impor tant skill to be the memberof the society.
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Good and bad points about this vacation

The good point of this vacation is that I havea plenty of time. I can study and I can go fora shor t tr avel. When I study, I can r eviewthe classes that I studied and I could alsopr epar e for the classes that I will take. ButI can’t study ever yday ever y time so I’ll gofor a shor t tr ip to somewher e else. We’ll goto COSTCO in few weeks. The bad point ofthis vacation is that I get ir r egular lifestyle.If I didn’t have any schedule at one day, I’llsleep until maybe 10 and if I didn’t haveanything special to do, I’ll be staying uplate.
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How I study during the vacation

Dur ing this vacation I’m studying English by reading books that I lend from the library. And I’m also studying to becomea public officer . I think it will be useful topass the teacher s examination next year .I have to study ver y wide especially themath, science and histor y. I’m not goodat these subjects so I’m r eviewing the textbooks when I used in high school. It’s beenafter long time since I’ve been studyingthese subjects so I’m studying ver y har d.Especially I’m having tr ouble studyingchemical for mula. I r emember “O” is oxygen and other symbols but the next step “reaction for mula” makes me angry.
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What class I will take

In next ter m I will take lots of classes thanother students. I don’t know why but Ihave to study ver y har d. The class that I’mlooking for war d to take is Inter nationallawII . In this class of cour se we studyabout the inter national laws. For examplewe studied about the United Nation Char ter .It’s inter esting for me because I like tostudy about the geogr aphy and other socialstudies. I studied geogr aphy ver y har d athigh school so most par t of the class waskind of r eview. Though I haven’t r egister edyet to the univer sity so I have to do it onSept 12.
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Vacation plans

The main vacation plan for this vacationis to go to appr entice to a social welfar einstitution. It’s a one of the step to get theteacher s cer tificate. I had to go ther e for fivedays. The place I been was an institutionfor mental defective. Dur ing my appr enticeI assisted them to do their jobs. Their jobar e ver y simple but its cor r espond to theirown ability. Other thing that I did is to go toa shor t tr ip with the kids who came to thisinstitution. We went to Aso milk far m with 3buses. At this far m, I took char ge of 3 kids.It was difficult to under stand what theywer e thinking.
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