

BR 2-09: Horses and Ponies

This book is written about horses and Ponies. The diffrence between horses and ponies is the size, said the book. The "big" horses are horse and "small" horses are poines. When I heard this I was very disappointed. I totally though there was a clear diffrence between two of them. The diffrence was just the size.

The book also written about the ecolgy about the horses and ponies. These animal don't like to live their own. So they make a herd. If one of the horse starts to run, all the herd will run away. That's way they can be safer then living on their own. When they run, there's an each name for their running. When they run very fast it's called galloping. When they run slowly, it's called cantering. When they jog, it's called trotting. When they walk, it's called walking. Finally they can comunicate with each other.

Horses and Ponies are very friendly animal. When you get trusted from horses, they can let you touch. Wild horses won't of course let you touch. (174 words)
Milbourne, A.(2004). Horses and Ponies. London Usborne


BR 2-08: Under the sea

This book tells animals which lives under the sea. This book explains the detail very short and but it's easy to read. It's easy because the book uses only easy english so you can understand the difficult words. And also the book is made very rough. There're many kinds of sea animals but this book only tells eleven things. If you here this, you may think it's ridiculous but this book tells the almost all the matter you may think about sea animals. This book tells about Dolphins, Sharks, Jelly fish, Penguins. The most interesting part that I felt was the page that tell about Dragons and Horses.

Don't you feel what's dragons and horses that lives in the sea? If you think so read the book!
(126 words)
Patchett,(2002). Under the sea.London: Usborne


2-02b My language experience

I have learned 3 languages in my life. Those are Japanese, English and Spanish. Japanese is my native language and the english is my second language. I start to learn Spanish since I entered this university.

The native language, which is Japanese was difficult for me to study. Speaking and Listening wasn't so difficult but writing and reading, especially Kanji was very difficult for me to master. It took time for me to learn Kanji because there's a lots of meaning and diffrent reading depends on different situation. For example the Japanese "Osameru" has a same pronunciation but there're 4 meaning. Those meanning are govern, learn,pay and store. When you are talking in Japanese and hear the word "Osameru", you can't know what it means. You have to consider from the context. But in English you don't have to do such a thing like that.

In learning classic Japanese and classic Chinese, these looked like an diffrent language for me. In classic Japanese you have to learn another words for this subject. This annoys me a lot so I don't like classic Japanese. On the other hand classic Chinese wasn't so difficult for me. If I read the sentence in the right order I could understand what the text book want to say. I could read fluently than classic Japanese.

Now I want to write about my experience about English. I start to study english when I was second year of elementary school. The first year was horrible. I couldn't understand what the teacher wants to say. I couldn't even introduce myself to other people. The second year, I could talk to my friends but it was still a prattle english. Though it was enough to communicate with friends. The third year and the fourth year, I have improved enough that I could talk to adults. But when I entered to the middle school, I quit learning english. I didn't have much trouble learning english in middle school. Many student around me had some trouble studying english. I wanted to help them but I couldn't teach it. I was very disappointed. I could solve the questions but I couldn't explain why the answer is going to be so. Especially I couldn't explain the diffrence between was, were, is and are.

I studied Spanish the first time in my life in this university. It was very intersting for me because the words in Spanish were very familiar to English. I could guess the meanning from the spelling even though I don't know the right meaning. Usually it was correct. I could understand the English and Spanish are relatives. There was also a suprising thing that there's a sex in nouns. It was very surprising that in Spanish "manzana" means apple is female and "escriorio" which means desk is male. I couldn't understand why apple is a female and desk is female.

(481 words)


BR 2-07: Babe Pig in a City

This is a story about a pig name Babe. He's a pig but not just only a pig, he's a "sheeppig". He is strong enough to win at a shepherding contest because he could "talk" to sheeps. He's kind so sheep will listen what to do and where to go. As you can see, he's very clever pig.

This story will start after they won the shepherding contest. His master, Hoggett was repairing the well but he caught into an acciddent because of Babe. So his wife has to all the duties in the farm. But they were facing foreclosure. So Ms.Hoggett decide to appearance at a fair that helds far far away to earn some money. Unfortunatly on the way to the city, Babe was detain at the airport. Just because the bomb-sniffing dog wanted a reward. so they had to stay at a unfamiliar town. There was only one hotel that can stay with a pet so they were forced to stay there but soon they were got separated. In the hotel there's a weird clown with a chimpanzees and orangutan.

Who are they and can they meet again? (189 words)

Korman, J. (1998) Babe Pig in a City. Essex: Penguin reader


BR 2-06: My family and other animals

This book is about main character, Gerald who is the youngest boy and lives on the Greek island of Corfu. They moved from England. The story is about his happy childhood for five years. All the member of his family are strange. Gerald will collects many kinds of animal like bugs, fish,dogs and snakes. He'll bring them back to his house. His mother is enthuses too much to cook. His brothers are plays around with guns. His sister applies perfumes a lot so she has to cure the pimples. As you can see they do what ever they want to do make a big fuss.

I recommend this book because this story is funny and interesting. The sentence are all full of humore.
(122 words)
Durell, G. (1956). My Family and Other Animals. Essex: Penguin Reader


BR 2-05: Jurassic Park III

The main character, Eric was parasailing over Jurassic park. But the boat was attacked by dinosaur from the sea and the bost sank. He was forced to land to the Jurassic park. After he landed, he had to survive by himself. His parent soon realised that they couldn't hear from Eric so they determined to look for him. by the time they reached to the park, they were many dinosaur like Spinosaurus which can beat T-rex. Can they find Eric and escape from the park?

I recommend this book. There isn't difficult words so it's easy to read. But I couldn't be excited as I was watching the movie.
(108 words)
Crichton,M.(2001). Jurassic Park 3. Essex:Penguin Reader


BR 2-04: Jurassic Park ~The Lost World~

This story is the second part of Jurassic park. Six years ago the dinosaurs were destroyed and the Jurassic park was closed. But now the scientist are looking for dead animals again. There were many dead dinosaurs every where. So they decided to go to Site B. But Site B is called the 5 deaths. Why site B is called the 5 deaths?

I do recommend this book to whose like Jurassic psark series. But this story is diffrent from the movie. In the movie, the T-rex which ran away from the troopship raged in San Diego. But there isn't any big show in this story. In this case, I didn't satisfied. But you may enjoy another kind of story.

Crichton,M.(1997). Jurassic Park The lost world.Essex: Penguin Reader